Math 220 Grading Policies, Fall 2010

Your course grade will be based on the sum of your scores on

The maximum total score possible for the course is 600 points. The point cutoffs for course grades will be no higher (and will most likely be lower) than those set forth in the following table: Pluses and minuses will be awarded to those whose point total is close to a cutoff. Anyone whose final exam grade is above the next highest course grade cutoff will be advanced over that cutoff if they are within 15 points of it. Qualitative factors such as your class participation will also be taken into account when determining your course grade. Almost all students will be given a course grade that is within one letter grade of their final exam grade. No one will be given a course grade that differs from their final exam grade by more than two letter grades.

The course grade of "I" will be awarded only if all the following conditions are met:

  1. You have completed all but a small portion of the required work.
  2. You have an average grade of "C-" or better on the work completed.
  3. You have a valid reason for not completing the course on time.
  4. You agree to make up the material within a short period of time.
  5. You request the incomplete no later than the day after the final exam.