I have worked in the C&D Recovery Center located at Clarksburg, MD during the summer of 2023. I have worked under my site advisor Mr. Mark and other industrial plant colleagues. The overcharging goal of C&D recovery is simply to separate, recycle, and reuse the industrial residuals in the local areas. I usually work from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on a usual day towards multiple different fields. Most times I work on the assembly line with other colleagues to separate the industrial residues into wood, metal, cardboard, and unrecyclable ones. The equipment mainly was the big picking line that automatically separates out small pieces of recyclable materials, and me and other colleagues separating the leftover big residues. Sometimes I will get the chance to go to landfills at different locations to witness how exactly the landfill process is done. I also got the chance to go to construction sites and see how the residues were picked up and transported to the C&D Recovery site. The most valuable experience during the internship was the opportunity for me to do actual hands-on work. As in many previous courses I have learned about the process of recycling, reducing, and reusing waste materials during our daily lives, it is my first time seeing and contributing to the process in an actual industrial setting. I appreciate this opportunity a lot as it is essential for me to link the lecture materials to real life and be involved in the process by doing hands-on work along with other colleagues. What I have learned myself was the real-life experiences and knowledge of the industrial residue recycling process was the detailed understanding of what reduce, recycle, and reuse applicate in real life.I have also learned about the basic idea of what my major can do after graduation, such as my career plan. This would definitely be one road I could consider. If I’m collaborating as a member of a team, our team will do well in collaborating with each other. I will be in the position that gives everyone a task and makes sure everyone stays on it, while also supporting the team members who need additional help. This will be a familiar role for me as I was always in charge of that position. I was lucky to be the first intern at this site, and I would recommend this opportunity to future SGC students. I see this opportunity to be a wonderful start to understanding the realistic connection between the knowledge we learned and the ones in real life. More importantly, this is a simple understanding to begin within the environmental science area. Under the wonderful site advisor Mr. Mark, it will be a precious chance to seek an internship.

Last modified: 04 December 2023