The company I spent the summer internship for was Elev8 Summer Freedom Schools specifically at Southwest Baltimore Charter School. My site supervisor was named Medrick Garvin the site coordinator for our school's summer program. Elev8 Baltimore seeks to respond to the unique needs of young people, to create a powerful environment for learning from best practices, linking them together through a comprehensive model, and applying them within diverse community and school settings. A typical summer freedom school day would start with our morning ritual of Harambee a fun series of morning chants, announcements, and the program song (Something Inside So Strong). Then the students would transition to their homeroom classes where they would participate into the full lesson for that day, then lunchtime for both students and teachers, Enrichments (Cooking, Dance Class, and Organized Play), and final organized time to work on the service project which for our cite was a community garden. By performing hands-on work as a full-time summer teacher I used quite a bit of the science concepts learned in SGC colloquiums, I remember vividly having a conversation with my homeroom about influenced/fake science like scientific myths and it reminded me of the lecture we had once in colloquium focused on specific scientific myths that are common in the general public. What I learned about increasing personal awareness and what I’ve learned about myself and my professional/academic aspirations was that I truly enjoy giving back to my community. Elev8 Baltimore was a program I was a part of when I was in elementary middle school so being able to give back and share my knowledge of environmental science was so cool and exciting for me. It really centered my love for Environmental Justice and advocating for community which I’ll continue to do as I grow in my profession. This project will be part of my professional development in the long-term future for sure, I’ve always been really great at being a leader but really teaching and honing those skills in a setting like that with stay with me and I continue on and I’m greatly appreciative of that. My practicum project definitely required me to work with a team, at our city we had 4 working teachers two taught 3rd grade as their main homeroom another teacher taught 7th-8th and I of course taught the 6th grade class which had the most kids. We plus our site supervisor had to work as a tight-knit team to make sure the summer ran smoothly and the kids were safe and happy which worked out well for us we were a great team it was nice to be in a team where everyone equally pulled their own weight for us to run smoothly. I would definitely recommend this opportunity to future scholars interested in pursuing a career in education it’s a great way to get started with building skills in the classroom around children.