Biographical Sketch |
Dr. Lawson worked in the Electronic Systems Branch of Harry Diamond
Laborotories from 1978 to 1982. In his professional career at College Park, where he has been
a professor since 1988, he has worked on high-power microwave devices, medical devices, and engineering education.
His current interests include integrating engineering design and other STEM concepts with computational thinking
and computer language acquisition for pre- and in-service teachers, undergraduate engineering students, and
middle-school and high-school students. He is an author or coauthor on 5 books and over 70 refereed journal
articles and over 250 conference presentations and publications.
Professor Wes Lawson received a B.A. degree in Spanish (2005), a B.S. degree in mathematics (1980) and
B.S. (1980), M.S. (1981) and Ph.D. (1985) degrees in electrical
engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park. His dissertation work
involved theoretical and experimental studies of microwave generation in
various large-orbit gyrotron configurations.
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