LING689A/889A   (2 credits)
Professional Methods

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Week by week topics and tasks    [Standardly bring in 10 copies of any written assignments, so we can all look at them and help each other.]
Jan. 30    Course overview
Feb. 6      CVs    Bring a draft of yours. Here are some suggestions  and here is a very useful link.
Feb. 20   "The Dean's question": You've made the short list and are brought in for job talk and department interview. Then you are taken to the Dean (not a linguist), who asks "So tell me what you work on". Bring in a written version of your answer (one page max).
Feb. 27  Revisions of answers to Dean's question.
            Initial discussion of job application letters
                Some useful sites for this:
March 13, 27 Departmental job interviews
April 3   Last job interview
              Discussion of abstract preparation (abstract hints HO); start working on abstract
April 10  Abstract evaluation
April 17   Special presentation by David Poeppel on grants and post-docs. Spread the word.
April 24   Conference presentations and participation
May 1      Teaching tips  Bring in some classroom situations/problems to discuss.
May 8    More on classroom situations. Then, journal submission.

Administrative note: If you want to take the course but already have 9 credits (so that 2 more would put you over your limit), sign up for 1 credit.


Tuesday 9:30-10:45
1108B MMH

Howard Lasnik, instructor

1106 Marie Mount Hall
<lasnik [AT] UMD [DOT] edu>
(301) 405-4929

Office hours:
Monday afternoons & evenings
Thursday all day (until 5:00)

Course description

Topics will include:

-Writing a CV
-Writing a job application letter
-Requesting letters of recommendation
-Giving a job talk
   with the search committee
   with the dean

-Applying for grants and post-docs (special presentation(s) by David)

-Writing letters of recommendation

-Submitting an article to a journal
   Responding to reviewers' comments and criticisms
-Reviewing a journal submission

-Submitting an abstract to a conference
-Preparing a handout for a conference presentation
-Giving the presentation (and responding to questions)
-Being an impressive audience member at a talk

-Teaching techniques