Readings for Jan.26-Feb.2 May
(1977) thesis. Here's a kind of Reader's
Digest version of the thesis, quoting all the passages I will be discussing,
and adding a few notes of mine.
Supplementary readings: Chomsky
(1976), which laid the conceptual foundations for May's theory.
-Excerpts on scope from Reinhart (1976): pp.73-75;
pp. 190-196
-Ferro paper giving a discourse
alternative to Chomsky's treatment of focus.
-Koopman and Sportiche "Variables
and the Bijection Principle", one of the classic syntactic approaches
to WCO
[There is now a folder in the pdf locker containing relevant readings, including,
for background, McCawley's 1972 "A
Program for Logic", which has some discussion of the Generative Semantics
lowering approach to quantification; and Chapter
7 of Jackendoff's 1972 book, which outlines a non-tranformational theory
of scope.]
Feb. 9 SNOW
Feb.16 A little more on WCO. Then May's major arguments
for QR, especially including his treatment of 'inverse linking', clause-boundedness
of scope, and Wh-Q interactions. Here's a little HO
on Wh-Q interactions.
Feb.23 Review of May's 1977 discussions of clause-boundedness
and Wh-Q interactions. For the latter, we will also proceed to May's 1985
discussion, pp.37-52 and 118-122 of Logical
Form. Also take a look at Sloan's
argument against May's account.
March 2 More on Wh-Q interactions. There is some discussion
in Lasnik&Saito Move Alpha,
pp. 150-156. Here's the Aguero-Bautista
LI paper; here's his dissertation
largely on this topic. And here's a handout of mine, 'A
Family of Questions', which looks at a bunch of phenomena (including Wh-Q
interactions) where a bound pronoun makes an embedded clause accessible to
normally clause-mate processes. We will also begin looking at 'Q-Lowering',
starting with the discussion in May's thesis, then proceeding to his book.
Here's a HO on QL.
March 9 We will finish off 'family of questions' stuff and
get deeply into Q-lowering. [We'll also talk about the presentation assignment
and begin to schedule the presentations.]
March 23 Q-lowering. Look at the previously listed things
and also Lebeaux's
original article and his
book, which develop the coherence/single tree condition crucial to many
of the discussions of QL (and also to Aguero-Bautista's argument). This week
or next, we'll start with ACD. Start with the classic article
by Bouton; Sag's
thesis pp. 45-50 and 79-81; and pp. 11-14 of May's book. Here's a handout
on ACD. And here's a HO
(from 611 last year) outlining the original argument, by Chomsky, for
a limited version of Lebeaux's condition.
March 30 ACD.
Terje on Jacobson
April 6 Finish QL (finally); ACD. On the latter, a couple
more things to look at are Baltin's
article arguing that there is no ACD, and Larson
and May's reply, and Fox's
article on ACD and copy theory. And here's another
HO from 611 last year outlining (and questioning) a Condition C asymmetry
that Fox bases much of his argument on.
April 13 -Emphasis on ACD. Continue reading previous
weeks' ACD material.
-Then Michael will be presenting. Look at this article: Szabolsci
1997. And here's a paper by Beghelli
and Stowell closely related to the Szabolsci one.
April 20 OK, this time we should be able to get into ACD
in depth.
And Ewan will be presenting a Sauerland
and Elbourne paper with a slightly different take on the relation between
scope and transformations.
April 27 We'll finish off ACD (fingers crossed).
And Brad will be discussing Catherine
Anderson's thesis, an experimental study of scope ambiguity comprehension.
Read Chapter 3.
May 4 Chris will be discussing Pietroski and Hornstein's
'Does every sentence like this contain a scope
Finish off ACD?? (Fingers AND toes crossed.)
May 11 Bouton, Sag, Wyngaerd and Zwart, Baltin, Larson and May on ACD. Here's a ms. of the Wyngaerd and Zwart
paper on Vehicle Change and ACD.
PAPER DUE MAY 19 (by e-mail). This can be based on your presentation, but does not have to be.
Tuesday 3:30-6:00
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<lasnik [AT] UMD [DOT] edu>
(301) 405-4929
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