Distinguished University Professor, Emeritus
Dept of Linguistics
1106 Marie Mount Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Phone: (301) 405-4929
Fax: (301) 405-7104
<lasnik [AT] UMD [DOT] edu>
CV (November, 2023)
Recent Presentations [For list of all presentations, please click here.]
2011, "The syntax of pronoun interpretation: Some recurrent themes", U. of Maryland MayFest - The Interpretation of Pronouns
2011, "Another look at island repair by deletion", Islands in Contemporary Linguistic Theory, University of the Basque Country.
2011, "The notion of derivations in linguistics: Syntax", 50 Years of Linguistics at MIT, MIT.
2012, "A reconsideration of island repair by deletion", Leiden University.
2013, "Levels of representation and semantic interpretation: Some recurrent themes", Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 6, Saint-Petersburg State University.
2013, "On certain bleeding orders", Workshop on Opacity in Grammar, University of Leipzig.
2014, with T. Grano. "How to neutralize a finite clause boundary: Phase theory and the grammar of bound pronouns," Pronouns@Tübingen 2: Pronouns in Embedded Contexts at the Syntax-Semantics Interface. University of Tübingen.
2014, "Family of questions: Nuclear or extended?" Harvard University.
2015, "On the Evaluation Metric" GALANA, University of Maryland
2015, "Islands and ellipsis: A Reexamination", GRASPING ELLIPSIS: its syntax, semantics, acquisition and processing, University of Campinas.
2015, "Clause-mates, phases and two families of questions", University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
2016, "Bound pronouns and the theory of Phases", Jersey Syntax Circle: Prospects for the Theory of Syntax, Princeton.
2016, "Clause-mates, phases, and bound pronouns", Kraków Syntax Lab 2016, Jagiellonian University.
2016, "Shrinking trees: Some early history", Shrinking Trees Workshop, Universität Leipzig.
2017, "Clause-mates, phases, and bound pronouns", X Congresso Internacional da ABRALIN, Universidade Federal Fluminense.
2017, "Locality and quasi-locality: New approaches to old paradigms /
old approaches to new paradigms", University of Arizona.
2017, "Locality and Quasi-Locality: Old and New Approaches to 'Clause-mate' Phenomena". UCLA Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, Lois E. Matthews Lecture.
2017, "Clause reduction, clause permeability, and their syntactic effects: A selective history". (3 lecture mini-course), South China Normal University, School of Foreign Studies.
2017, "Clauses, Quasi-clauses, and Phases: A surprising generalization and a speculation", Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.
2018, "UConn Syntax: Some lasting insights and their interactions ", 50 Years of Linguistics at UCONN.
2018, "Re-reconsidering ECM", Generative Grammar at the Speed of Ninety, U. of Arizona.
2019, "Exceptional Case-marking: Perspectives Old and New", 25th Annual Graduate Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, and TESOL Symposium, Arizona State U.
2019, "Ellipsis and identity: Reflections on “Guess Who?”, Sluicing+@50, U. of Chicago.
2019, "The syntax-semantics interface: Some recurrent themes", The International Symposium on Interfaces in Generative Linguistics, South China Normal University.
2019, "A reconsideration of Exceptional Case-Marking", South China Normal University.
2019, "Reflections on ellipsis and identity", Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.
2019, "The development of generative grammar", Zhejiang University.
2020, "Levels of Representation and Semantic Interpretation: A Brief History and a Case Study", Abralin ao Vivo – Linguists Online.
2021, Commentary on Omer Preminger “The Building-Blocks of Language”, Abralin ao Vivo – Linguists Online.
2022, "On Optionality:
A Brief History and a Case Study", First Biolinguistic Conference of the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
2022, "On Optionality:
A Brief History and a Case Study", Biolinguistics course, U. of Arizona
<Some introductory background for the preceding: The Classic Model of TG>
Recent Courses
LING689M Fall 2022 Professional
Ling 610 Fall 2022 Syntactic Theory
Ling 819 Spring 2022 Ellipsis
Ling 610 Fall 2021 Syntactic Theory
Ling 819 Spring 2021 'On Raising'
LING889A Fall 2020 Professional
Ling 610 Fall 2020 Syntactic Theory
Ling 610 Fall 2019 (with Omer Preminger)
Ling 819E Spring 2019 Conceptions of the Cycle (with Juan Uriagereka)
Ling 610 Fall 2018 Syntactic Theory
LING889A Fall 2018 Professional
Ling 819 Spring 2018 Ellipsis
Ling 610 Fall 2017 Syntactic Theory
Ling 819 Spring 2017 Not Quite Complete Trees
LING889A Fall 2016 Professional
Ling 610 Fall 2016 Syntactic Theory
Ling 819 Spring 2016 Quantification and Anaphora
Ling 610 Fall 2015 Syntactic Theory
Ling 819 Spring 2015 Ellipsis
Ling 610 Fall 2014 Syntactic Theory
LING889E Fall 2014 Professional
Ling 611 Spring
2014 Issues in Syntax (with Norbert Hornstein)
Ling 610 Fall 2013 Syntactic Theory
Ling 819 Fall 2013 The Syntax of Long Distance Dependencies (with Norbert Hornstein)
Ling 611 Spring
2013 Issues in Syntax (with Masahiko Takahashi)
Ling 819 Spring 2013 'On Raising'
Ling 610 Fall 2012 Syntactic Theory
LING689A Fall 2012 Professional
Ling 610 Fall 2011 Syntactic Theory
Ling 819 Fall 2011 Possible and Impossible Structures (with Terje Lohndal)
Ling 819 Spring 2011 Ellipsis
and Violation Repair (with Norbert Hornstein)
Ling 610 Fall 2010 Syntactic Theory
Ling 689D/889D
Classic Readings in Syntax (with Tonia Bleam)
Ling 819 Spring
2010 'Syntax of Quantification'
610 Fall 2009 Syntactic Theory
Ling 611 Spring
2009 Issues in Syntax (with Norbert Hornstein)
Ling 819 Spring 2009 'The Development of Binding Theory'
610 Fall 2008 Syntactic Theory
Nanzan University Summer 2008 Course
University Summer 2007 Course
LING 819 Seminar in Syntactic
Theory: Issues in Ellipsis Spring 2007
LING689A/889A Professional
Methods Spring 2007
Course 2005: LSA 208
Academic Background
- B.S., Carnegie Institute of Technology (Mathematics and English), 1967
- M.A., Harvard University (English), 1969
- Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Linguistics), 1972
Dissertation: Analyses of Negation in English
Work Experience
Present Position
- Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland
Previous Positions
- 1972-76 Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut
- 1976-81 Associate Professor, University of Connecticut
- 1981-2000 Professor, University of Connecticut
- 2000-2002 Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, University of Connecticut
- 2002- Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of
- 2002-2003 Professor, University of Maryland
- 2003-2023 Distinguished University Professor, University of Maryland
- 2008-2009 Distinguished Scholar Teacher, University of Maryland
Visiting Appointments:
- 1978-79 University of California, Irvine
- 1979 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 1985 University of Texas
- 1985-86 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 1986 University of Southern California
- 1986 LSA Linguistic Institute, City University of New York
- 1992 University of Rochester
- 1992 Warsaw University Linguistic Summer School
- 1994 Dutch National Graduate School in Linguistics
- 1995 Forschungsschwerpunkt Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
- 1998 University of Pennsylvania, Institute for Research in Cognitive Science
- 2001 LSA Linguistic Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara
- 2002 Leiden University
- 2003 LSA Linguistic Institute, Michigan State University
- 2005 LSA Linguistic Institute, MIT
- 2006 Nanzan University
- 2007 Nanzan University
- 2008 Nanzan University
Research Interests
Syntactic Theory; Logical Form; Learnability.
Recent Publications
For a list of all publications, please click here.
Books (since 2000)
- Lasnik, H. (with M. Depiante and A. Stepanov) 2000. Syntactic Structures
Revisited: Contemporary Lectures on Classic Transformational Theory. MIT Press.
- Lasnik, H. 2003. Minimalist Investigations in Linguistic Theory. Routledge
- Lasnik, H. and J. Uriagereka. 2005. A Course in Minimalist Syntax. Blackwell.
- Lasnik, H. and J. Uriagereka. 2023. Structure. MIT Press.
Chapters (since 2000)
- Lasnik, H. and C. Boeckx. 2000. Transformational grammar. In R. Clark (ed.)
Annotated Bibliography for English Studies [1: Language and Linguistics: 108
Theoretical Linguistics. Editors: I. Roberts, R. Borseley and F. Newmeyer]
- Lasnik, H. 2001. Derivation and representation in modern transformational
syntax. In M. Baltin and C. Collins (eds.) Handbook of Syntactic Theory. Blackwell,
pp. 62-88.
- Lasnik, H. 2001. When can you save a structure by destroying it? In M. Kim
and U. Strauss (eds.) Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society 31,
Vol. Two. GLSA, pp. 301-320.
- Lasnik, H. 2001. Subjects, objects, and the EPP. In W. D. Davies and S.
Dubinsky (eds.) Objects and Other Subjects: Grammatical Functions, Functional
Categories, and Configurationality. Kluwer, pp. 103-121.
- Lasnik, H. 2002. Feature movement or agreement at a distance? In A. Alexiadou,
E. Anagnostopoulou, S. Barbiers and H.-M. Gaertner (eds.) Dimensions of Movement
. John Benjamins, pp. 189-208.
- Lasnik, H. 2002. Government-Binding Theory. In L. Nadel (ed.) Encyclopedia
of Cognitive Science. Macmillan Inc., pp. 300-307.
- Lasnik, H. 2002. On exceptional Case marking constructions. In Korean Linguistics
Today and Tomorrow: Proceedings of the 2002 Association for Korean Linguistics,
International Conference on Korean Linguistics, pp. 39-54.
- Lasnik, H. 2002. Clause-mate conditions. In Korean Linguistics Today and
Tomorrow: Proceedings of the 2002 Association for Korean Linguistics, International
Conference on Korean Linguistics, pp. 386-393.
- Lasnik, H. 2002. On repair by ellipsis. In Proceedings of the 2002 LSK Summer
Conference, Volume I: Forum Lectures and Paper Presentations, pp. 23-36.
- Lasnik, H. 2003. Government-Binding Theory. In L. Nadel (ed.) Encyclopedia
of Cognitive Science, Volume 2. Macmillan Publishers, pp. 300-307.
- Lasnik, H. and R. Hendrick. 2003. Steps toward a minimal theory of anaphora.
In R. Hendrick (ed.) Minimal Syntax. Blackwell, pp. 124-151.
- Lasnik, H. 2003. Traces. In W. Frawley (ed.) International Encyclopedia
of Linguistics, 2nd edition. Oxford University Press, pp. 270-272.
- Lasnik, H. 2003. Subjacency. W. Frawley (ed.) International Encyclopedia
of Linguistics, 2nd edition. Oxford University Press, pp. 174-175.
- Lasnik, H. 2004. The position of the accusative subject in the accusative-infinitive
construction. In P. Bhaskararao and S. K. Venkata (eds.) Non-nominative Subjects,
Vol. 1. John Benjamins, pp. 269-281.
- Lasnik, H. 2004. Syntax. In P. Strazny (ed.) Encyclopedia of Linguistics.
Routledge, Vol. 2, pp. 1068-1071.
- Lasnik, H. and C. Otero. 2004. Chomsky. In P. Strazny (ed.) Encyclopedia
of Linguistics. Routledge, Vol. 1, pp. 205-208.
- Lasnik, H. 2005. Grammar, levels, and biology. In J. McGilvray (ed.) The
Cambridge Companion to Chomsky. Cambridge University Press, pp. 60-83.
- Lasnik, H. 2006. Minimalism. In K. Brown (ed.) Encyclopedia of Language
and Linguistics, 2nd Edition. Elsevier, Vol. Six, pp. 149-156.
- Lasnik, H. and C. Boeckx. 2006. Long NP-Movement. In M. Everaert and H.
van Riemsdijk (eds.) The Blackwell Companion to Syntax. Blackwell, Vol. 3,
pp. 109-130.
- Lasnik, H. 2006. Conceptions of the Cycle. In L. Cheng and N. Corver (eds.)
Wh-Movement Moving On. MIT Press, pp. 197-216.
- Lasnik, H. 2008. On the development of Case theory: Triumphs and challenges.
In R. Freidin, C. Otero, and M.-L. Zubizarreta (eds.) Foundational issues
in linguistic theory: Essays in Honor of Jean-Roger Vergnaud. MIT Press, pp.
- Lasnik, H. 2009. Island repair, non-repair and the organization of the
grammar. In K. Grohmann (ed.) Phases and Interfaces. Oxford University Press, pp. 339-353.
- Lasnik, H. and T. Lohndal. 2010. Government–binding/principles and parameters theory. In Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science Volume 1, Issue 1, pp.40-50.
- Lasnik, H. 2010. On ellipsis: Is material that is phonetically absent but semantically present present or absent syntactically? In H. Götzche (ed.) Memory, Mind and Language. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 221-242.
- Lasnik, H. 2011. Government and Binding. In P. C. Hogan (ed.) The Cambridge
Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge University of Press, pp. 346-349.
- Lasnik, H. 2011. Minimalism. In P. C. Hogan (ed.) The Cambridge Encyclopedia
of the Language Sciences. Cambridge University of Press, pp. 502-505.
- Freidin, R. and H. Lasnik. 2011. Some roots of Minimalism. In C. Boeckx (ed.) OUP Handbook of Linguistic Minimalism. Oxford University Press, pp. 1-26.
- Lasnik, H. 2011. Minimalism. In P. C. Hogan (ed.) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge University of Press, pp. 502-505.
- Lasnik, H. 2011. Government and Binding. In P. C. Hogan (ed.) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge University of Press, pp. 346-349.
- Lasnik, H. 2011. What kind of computing device is the human language faculty? In A. M. di Sciullo and C. Boeckx (eds.) The Biolinguistic Enterprise: New Perspectives on the Evolution and Nature of the Human Language Faculty. Oxford University Press, pp. 354-365.
- Lasnik, H. 2012. Syntax. In V. S. Ramachandran (ed.) Encyclopedia of Human Behavior,2nd Edition. Elsevier, pp. 578-587.
- Lasnik, H. and J. Uriagereka. 2012. Structure. In R. Kempson, T. Fernando, and N. Asher (eds.) Handbook of Philosophy of Science Volume 14: Philosophy of Linguistics. Elsevier, pp. 33-61.
- Lasnik, H. 2012. Single cycle syntax and a constraint on quantifier lowering. In A. M. di Sciullo (ed.) Towards a Biolinguistic Understanding of Grammar. Essays on Interfaces, John Benjamins, pp. 13-30.
- Lasnik, H. and J. Uriagereka. 2012. Structure at the bottom. In E. Torrego (ed.) Of Grammar, Words, and Verses. In Honor of Carlos Piera. John Benjamins, pp. 5-18.
- Lasnik, H. 2012. Foreword. In P. Graff and C. van Urk (eds.) Chomsky's Linguistics. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, pp. i-vii.
- Lohndal, T. and H. Lasnik. 2013. Noam Chomsky. In M. Aronoff (ed.) Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics. Oxford University Press.
- Lasnik, H. and T. Lohndal. 2013. Brief overview of the history of generative syntax. In M. den Dikken (ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of Generative Syntax. Cambridge University Press, pp. 26-60.
- Lasnik, H. 2015. Aspects of the theory of phrase structure. In Á. J. Gallego and Dennis Ott (eds.) 50 Years Later: Reflections on Chomsky’s Aspects. MITWPL, pp. 169-174.
- Lasnik, H. and J. Lidz. 2017. The argument from the poverty of the stimulus. In I. Roberts (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Universal Grammar. Oxford University Press, pp. 221-248.
- Lasnik, H. 2017. The locality of transformational movement: Progress and prospects. In J. McGilvray (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Chomsky (2nd edition). Cambridge University Press, pp. 29-49.
- Lasnik, H. 2018. Syntactic Structures: Formal foundations. In Syntactic Structures after 60 Years. The Impact of the Chomskyan Revolution in Linguistics. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 137-151.
- Hornstein, N., Lasnik, H., Patel-Grosz, P., and C. Yang. 2018. Introduction. In Syntactic Structures after 60 Years. The Impact of the Chomskyan Revolution in Linguistics. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 123-130.
- Lasnik, H. and C. Boeckx. (2018) Long NP Movement. In M. Everaert and H. Van Riemsdijk (eds.) The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Syntax, 2nd Edition. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 2270-2290.
- Lasnik, H. and K. Funakoshi. 2018. Condition C violations and Strong Crossover. In M. Everaert and H. van Riemsdijk (eds.) The Companion to Syntax, 2nd edition. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 1052-1078.
- Lasnik, H. 2018. Two families of questions. In Á. J. Gallego and R. Martin (eds.) Language, Syntax, and the Natural Sciences. Cambridge University Press, pp. 58-76.
- Lasnik, H. and K. Funakoshi. 2019. Ellipsis in transformational grammar. In J. van Craenenbroeck and T. Temmerman.(eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Ellipsis. Oxford University Press, pp. 46-74.
- Lasnik, H. and Z. Stone. 2020. Rethinking phrase structure. In A. Bárány, T. Biberauer, J. Douglas, and S. Vikner (eds.) Syntactic architecture and its
consequences II: Between syntax and morphology. Language Science Press, pp. 191-206.
- Lasnik, H. In press. Early Minimalism. In K. Grohmann and E. Leivada (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Minimalism. Cambridge Handbook of Minimalism.
Journal Articles (since 2000)
- Lasnik, H. and N. Sobin. 2000. The who/whom puzzle: On the preservation
of an archaic feature. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 18:343-371.
- Lasnik, H. 2001. A note on the EPP. Linguistic Inquiry 32:356-362.
- Lasnik, H. 2002. Clause-mate conditions revisited. Glot International 6:
- Lasnik, H. and J. Uriagereka. 2002. On the poverty of the challenge. The
Linguistic Review 19:147-150.
- Lasnik, H. 2002. The Minimalist Program in syntax. Trends in Cognitive Sciences
- Phillips, C. and H. Lasnik. 2003. Linguistics and empirical evidence: Reply
to Edelman and Christiansen. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 7:61-62.
- Fox, D. and H. Lasnik. 2003. Successive cyclic movement and island repair:
The difference between Sluicing and VP Ellipsis. Linguistic Inquiry 34:143-154.
- Lasnik, H. 2003. On the Extended Projection Principle. Studies in Modern
Grammar 31:1-23.
- Boskovic, Z. and H. Lasnik. 2003. On the distribution of null complementizers.
Linguistic Inquiry 34:527-546.
- Lasnik, H. and M.-K. Park. 2003. The EPP and the Subject Condition under
Sluicing. Linguistic Inquiry 34:649-660.
- Lasnik, H. 2005. Review of Jason Merchant The Syntax of Silence. Language
81: 259-265.
- Boeckx, C. and H. Lasnik. 2006. Intervention and repair. Linguistic Inquiry
37: 150-155.
- Hornstein, N., H. Lasnik and J. Uriagereka. 2003 (2007). The dynamics of
islands: Speculations on the locality of movement. Linguistic Analysis 33:149-175.
- Lasnik, H. 2010. A (surprising?) consequence of single-cycle syntax. Linguistic Sciences. Volume 9, Number 1: 22-33.
- Hong, S. and H. Lasnik. 2010. A note on ‘Raising to Object’ in small clauses and full clauses. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 19:275-289.
- Drummond, A., N. Hornstein and H. Lasnik.2010. A puzzle about P-stranding and a possible solution. Linguistic Inquiry 41: 68–692.
- Lasnik, H. 2013. Teaching Introductory Graduate Syntax. Language: Teaching Linguistics. Volume 89, Number 1: e11-e17.
- Lasnik, H. 2013. Multiple Sluicing in English? Syntax. Volume 17, Number 1: 1-20.
- Cheng, J. and H. Lasnik. 2016. Parametric variations in Mandarin and English denominal verb derivation. Lingua 180: 25-48.
- Lasnik, H. 2017. Syntactic Structures: Formal considerations 60 years later. Revista Linguistica v.13 n.2: 35-50.
- Grano, T. and H. Lasnik. 2018. How to neutralize a finite clause boundary: Phase Theory and the grammar of bound pronouns. Linguistic Inquiry 465-499.
- Lasnik, H. 2021. Levels of representation and semantic interpretation: A brief history and a case study. Cadernos de Linguística, Volume 2, Number 1: 1-15.
- Lasnik, H. 2022. More aspects of Aspects. Inference, Volume 6, Number 4. DOI: 10.37282/991819.22.6.
Invited Papers and Conference Presentations (recent)
Colloquia and Workshops:
- February 2000, Stanford University, "Subjects, objects, and the EPP"
- February 2000, UC Santa Cruz, "Where do you put the * ?"
- April 2000, University of California, Berkeley, "Minimalizing movement"
- May 2000, UC San Diego, "Feature movement or agreement at a distance?"
- October 2000, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Salvation by
- November 2000, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Analyzing the
English Aux: An historical perspective"
- March 2001, SUNY Stony Brook, "When can you repair an island by destroying
- November 2001, Cornell, "How can you repair an island by destroying
- November 2001, Cornell, "Verb-particle constructions, clause-mate conditions,
and the EPP"
- March 2002, MIT, "The development of Case theory"
- March 2002, University of Maryland, "Ellipsis and long movement 'repair'"
- March 2002, NYU, "More cases of repair by ellipsis"
- May, 2002, University of Connecticut, "On Clause-mate conditions"
- November 2002, University of Arizona (Cognitive Science Program Master Seminar),
"On ellipsis: Generative approaches to the interpretation of missing
- November 2002, University of Arizona, "On the Extended Projection Principle"
- November 2003, University of Delaware, "The EPP and repair by ellipsis"
- October 2003, Harvard University, "The EPP and repair by ellipsis"
- June 2004, University of Stuttgart, "Guess what (Sluicing can do)"
- June 2004, University of Stuttgart, "A-Movement, the EPP, and the Organization
of the Grammar" [2-day seminar]
- May 2005, ESLDance, "Some properties of language in General, and English
in particular"
- October 2005, Bogazici University, "On ellipsis: Generative approaches
to the interpretation of missing constituents"
- October 2005, Bogazici University, "On repair by ellipsis"
- May 2006, University of Southern California, "A family of questions"
- May 2006, UC Los Angeles, "Multiple Sluicing in English?"
- May 2006, UC Los Angeles, "On the EPP"
- April 2007, SUNY Stony Brook, "Simplex sentences, Governing Categories
(and phases?)"
- August 2007, Keio University, "The first half century of generative
grammar: Some recurrent themes"
- August 2007, Keio University, "A Minimalist perspective on some classic
syntactic problems"
- March 2009, University of Connecticut, "Re-re thinking Quantifier Lowering"
- July 2009, Center for Linguistic Theory, Beijing Language and Culture University,
“Violation repair, non-repair and the organization of the grammar”
- April 2010, University of Pennsylvania, “A surprising consequence of single cycle syntax”
- April 2012, Leiden University, “A reconsideration of island repair by deletion”
- October 2014, Harvard University, “Family of questions: Nuclear or extended?”
- November 2015, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, “Clause-mates, phases and two families of questions”
- April 2017, University of Arizona, "Locality and quasi-locality: New approaches to old paradigms / old approaches to new paradigms"
- April 2017, UCLA Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, “Locality and Quasi-Locality: Old and New Approaches to ‘Clause-mate’ Phenomena”. (Lois E. Matthews Lecture)
- May 2017, South China Normal University, School of Foreign Studies, “Clause reduction, clause permeability, and their syntactic effects: A selective history”. (3 lecture mini-course)
- May 2017, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, “Clauses, Quasi-Clauses, and Phases: “A Surprising Generalization and a Speculation”
- November 2019, South China Normal University, “A reconsideration of Exceptional Case-Marking”
- November 2019, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, “Reflections on ellipsis and identity”
- November 2019, Zhejiang University, “The development of generative grammar”
Invited/Keynote Conference Presentations:
- 2000, "Interactions Between movement and ellipsis," Linguistics
in the Next Decade, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
- 2000, "When can you save a structure by destroying it?" NELS.
- 2001, "Comments on Newmeyer's presentation," Linguistic Institute,
UC Santa Barbara.
- 2001, "The position of the accusative subject in the accusative-infinitive
construction," International Symposium on Non-Nominative Subjects, Institute
for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia & Africa, Tokyo University
of Foreign Studies.
- 2002, "On Exceptional Case Marking constructions," Association
for Korean Linguistics, International Conference on Korean Linguistics, Seoul
National University.
- 2002, "Clause-mate conditions," Association for Korean Linguistics,
International Conference on Korean Linguistics, Seoul National University.
- 2002, "On repair by ellipsis," Linguistic Society of Korea, International
Summer Conference, Kyung Hee University.
- 2002, "Existential constructions and the Proper Binding Condition,"
Linguistic Society of Korea, International Summer Conference, Workshop on
Inversion, Kyung Hee University.
- 2002, "On the Extended Projection Principle," 2002 International
Conference on The Interface between Linguistics and Literature, Daegu University.
- 2002, "On the EPP", Workshop on Greek Syntax, Reading University.
- 2002, "Conceptions of the cycle", Workshop on "On WH-Movement",
- 2003, “Configurations and theta role assignment: Residues of Deep
Structure”, International Seminar on Argument Structure, Delhi.
- 2003, “Linguistics as a Cognitive Science: Noam Chomsky's Naturalistic
Approach to Language”, International Seminar on Argument Structure,
- 2003, "On certain Proper Binding Condition effects", Workshop
on Antisymmetry and Remnant Movement, NYU.
- 2004, "Some surprising cases of repair and non-repair by ellipsis,"
Workshop on ellipsis, gaps and empty categories, Leiden University.
- 2005, "What is the EPP?" GLOW.
- 2005, "Locality Constraints on Movement: How General?" Nuts and
Core Workshop Forum, LSA Institute.
- 2005, "The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory: Then and Now,"
Happy Golden Anniversary, Generative Syntax: 50 years since Logical Structure
of Linguistic Theory," LSA Institute.
- 2006, "On ellipsis: The PF approach to missing constituents",
Symposium on Ellipsis, LSA annual meeting, Albuquerque.
- 2006, "Island repair, non-repair and the organization of the grammar",
InterPhases: A Conference on Interfaces in Current Syntactic Theory, University
of Cyprus.
- 2006, “On
ellipsis: Is material that is phonetically absent but semantically present
present or absent syntactically?” 22nd Scandinavian Conference of
Linguistics, University of Aalborg.
- 2006, "A family of questions", Nanzan University Syntax Workshop.
- 2007, "What kind of computing device is the human language faculty?",
Biolinguistic Investigations, Santo Domingo.
- 2007, "Up and down the Chomsky Hierarchy", Syntactic Structures
- A 50th Anniversary Celebration, Princeton.
- 2007, "Up and down the Chomsky Hierarchy", 2nd Nanzan University
Syntax Workshop.
- 2007, with J. Uriagereka, "Structure dependence, the rational learner,
and Putnam's 'sane person'", MIT Workshop: Where Does Syntax Come From?
- 2008, “'Raising to Object' in small clauses and full clauses”,
3rd Nanzan University Syntax Workshop.
- 2009, “Some consequences of single-cycle syntax”, 4th Internat'l
Conference on Formal Linguistics, Beijing Foreign Studies University.
- 2009, “Foundations of Minimalism”, 4th Internat'l Conference
on Formal Linguistics, Beijing Foreign Studies University.
- 2010, "Minimalist considerations of the Single Tree Constraint" Workshop on New Horizons in the Minimalist Program Indiana University
- 2010, Indiana University SyntaxFest Course: "EPP, repair by ellipsis, and the organization of the grammar"
- 2011, “ The syntax of pronoun interpretation: Some recurrent themes”, U. of Maryland MayFest - The Interpretation of Pronouns
- 2011, “Another look at island repair by deletion”, Islands in Contemporary Linguistic Theory, University of the Basque Country.
- 2011, “The notion of derivations in linguistics: Syntax”, 50 Years of Linguistics at MIT, MIT.
- 2013, “Levels of representation and semantic interpretation: Some recurrent themes”, Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 6, Saint-Petersburg State University.
- 2013, “On certain bleeding orders”, Workshop on Opacity in Grammar, University of Leipzig.
- 2015, “Islands and ellipsis: A reexamination”, GRASPING ELLIPSIS: its syntax, semantics, acquisition and processing, University of Campinas.
- 2016, “Bound pronouns and the theory of Phases”, Jersey Syntax Circle: Prospects for the Theory of Syntax, Princeton.
- .2016, "Clause-mates, phases, and bound pronouns", Kraków Syntax Lab 2016, Jagiellonian University.
- 2016, "Shrinking trees: Some early history", Shrinking Trees Workshop, Universität Leipzig.
- 2017, "Clause-mates, phases, and bound pronouns", X Congresso Internacional da ABRALIN, Universidade Federal Fluminense.
- 2018, "UConn Syntax: Some lasting insights and their interactions ", 50 Years of Linguistics at UCONN.
- 2018, "Re-reconsidering ECM", Generative Grammar at the Speed of Ninety, U. of Arizona.
- 2019, "Exceptional Case-marking: Perspectives old and new", 25th Annual Graduate Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, and TESOL Symposium, Arizona State U.
- 2019, "Ellipsis and identity: Reflections on “Guess Who?”, Sluicing+@50, U. of Chicago.
- 2019, “The syntax-semantics interface: Some recurrent themes”, The International Symposium on Interfaces in Generative Linguistics, South China Normal University.
- 2020, "Levels of representation and semantic interpretation: A brief history and a case study", Abralin ao Vivo – Linguists Online.
- 2022, "On optionality: A brief history and a Case study", First Biolinguistic Conference of the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Other Conference Presentations (recent):
- 2009, with S. Hong, “Defective Category C and Highest Subject Effect in Korean Pseudoclefts,” 40th Poznan Linguistic Meeting, Workshop on Clausal Architecture.
- 2014, with T. Grano, “How to neutralize a finite clause boundary: Phase theory and the grammar of bound pronouns,” Pronouns@Tübingen 2: Pronouns in Embedded Contexts at the Syntax-Semantics Interface. University of Tübingen.
- 2021, Commentary on Omer Preminger “The Building-Blocks of Language”, Abralin ao Vivo – Linguists Online.
Graduate Supervision
at the University of Connecticut...
1977 Phoebe Huang "WH Fronting and Related Processes"
1978 Margaret Allen "Morphological Investigations"
1979 Mona Anderson "Noun Phrase Structure"
1980 Craig Hoffman "Phrase Structure, Subcategorization, and Transformations
in the English Verb Phrase"
1984 Lori Davis "Arguments and Expletives: Thematic and Nonthematic NPs"
1985 Sungshim Hong "A and A' Binding in Korean and English: Government-Binding
1987 Samuel David Epstein "Empty Categories and their Antecedents"
1988 Elaine McNulty "The Syntax of Adjunct Predicates"
1988 Juan Uriagereka "On Government"
1988 Ana Varela "Binding in Spanish: A Theoretical and Experimental Study"
1989 Robyne Tiedeman "Government and Locality Conditions on Syntactic
1989 Aliaa Abd El-Moneim "Role of INFL"
1990 Sung-Ho Ahn "Korean Quantification and Universal Grammar"
1990 Rosalind Thornton "Adventures in Long-distance Moving -- The Acquisition
of Complex Wh-questions"
1991 Yasuo Ishii "Operators and Empty Categories in Japanese"
1991 Shu-Ying Yang "Dative Alternation in Chinese and English"
1992 Eun-Ji Lee "On the Extended Projection Principle"
1992 Jeong-Shik Lee "Case Alternation in Korean: Case Minimality"
1992 Michiya Kawai "Missing Object Constructions and Null Operator Predication"
1993 Naoko Nemoto "Chains and Case Positions: A Study From Scrambling
in Japanese"
1993 Jun Abe "Binding Conditions and Scrambling Without A/A' Distinction"
1993 Maria Uribe-Echevarria "On the Typology of Negative Polarity Licensing"
1994 Daiko Takahashi "Minimality of Movement"
1994 Rhang-hye-yun Lee "Economy of Representation"
1994 Myung-Kwan Park "A Morpho-Syntactic Study of Korean Verbal Inflection"
1994 Jai-Hyoung Cho "Scrambling: Crossover, Reconstruction and Binding
1995 Zeljko Boskovic "Principles of Economy in Nonfinite Complementation"
1995 Keun-Won Sohn "Negative Polarity Items, Scope, and Economy"
1995 Javier Ormazabal "The Syntax of Complementation: On the Connection
Between Syntactic Structure and Selection"
1996 Roger Martin "A Minimalist Theory of PRO and Control"
1997 Jeong-Seok Kim "Syntactic Focus Movement and Ellipsis: A Minimalist
1998 Satoshi Oku "A Theory of Selection and Reconstruction in the Minimalist
1998 Ayumi Matsuo "A Comparative Study of Tense and Ellipsis"
1999 Kazuko Yatsushiro "Case Licensing and VP Structure"
1999 Sandra Stjepanovic "What do Second Position Cliticization, Scrambling
and Multiple Wh-Fronting Have in Common?"
1999 Masao Ochi "Constraints on Feature Checking"
2000 Marcela Depiante "The Syntax of Deep and Surface Anaphora"
2000 Asako Uchibori "The Syntax of Subjunctive Complements: Evidence
from Japanese"
2001 Arthur Stepanov "Cyclic Domains in Syntactic Theory"
2001 Adolfo Ausín "On A-Movement"
2003 Sasa Vukic "On features and the MLC"
2004 Mariana Lambova "On Information Structure and Clausal Architecture:
Evidence from Bulgarian" [co-advisor Zeljko Boskovic]
2005 Masashi Nomura "Nominative Case and AGREE(ment)" [co-advisor
Jonathan Bobaljik]
2005 Bum-Sik Park "Locality and Identity in Ellipsis"
at the University of Maryland...
2006 Lydia Grebenyova "Multiple
Interrogatives: Syntax, Semantics and Learnability"
2006 Hajime Ono "An
Investigation of Exclamatives in English and Japanese: Syntax and Sentence
2006 Tomohiro Fujii "Some
Theoretical Issues in Japanese Control"
2007 Jon Sprouse "A
Program for Experimental Syntax: Finding the Relationship Between Acceptability
and Grammatical Knowledge"
2009 Chizuru Nakao "Island Repair and Non-repair by PF Strategies"
2009 Atakan Ince "Dimensions of Ellipsis: Investigations in Turkish"
2011 Shiti Malhotra "Movement and Intervention Effects: Evidence from Hindi/Urdu" [co-advisor Norbert Hornstein]
2011 Ilknur Oded "Recalculating Adjunct Control"
2011 Alex Drummond "Binding Phenomena within a Reductionist Theory of Grammatical Dependencies" [co-advisor Norbert Hornstein]
2013 Bradley Larson "The Syntax of Non-Syntactic Dependencies" [co-advisor Norbert Hornstein]
2014 Kenshi Funakoshi "Syntactic Head Movement and its Consequences"
2015 Dustin Alfonso Chacón "Comparative Psychosyntax" [co-advisor Colin Phillips]
2015 Sayaka Goto "A Theory of Generalized Pied-Piping"
2015 Yuki Ito, "English ECM at the Interfaces"
2016 Carolina Petersen "On Experiencers and Minimality" [co-advisor Norbert Hornstein]
2017 Dongwoo Park "When does ellipsis occur, and what is elided?" [co-advisor Omer Preminger]
2018 Zach Stone "A Structural Theory of Derivations"
2019 Zhipeng (Nick) Huang "Variation and Learnability in Constraints on Wh-Movement" [co-advisor Colin Phillips]
2020 Suyoung Bae “An analysis of the negation-dependent item amwu- in Korean, and its theoretical consequences” [co-advisor Omer Preminger]
2020 Gesoel Mendes “Investigations on Salvation and Non-salvation by Deletion” [co-advisor Norbert Hornstein]
2021 Aaron Doliana “All about alles: The Syntax of Wh-Quantifier Float in German” [co-advisor Norbert Hornstein]
Other Professional Activities (selected)
Associate Editor of Linguistic Inquiry 1979-2017
Member of Linguistic Advisory Board of Language Acquisition 1990-2014
Member of Editorial Board of Languages and Linguistics 1998-
Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Generative Grammar 1999-
Member of Advisory Committee of English Linguistics 2002-
Member of Advisory Board of Biolinguistics 2006-
Member of Editorial Board of Linguistic Sciences 2011-
Member of Editorial Board of Studies in Chinese Linguistics 2012-
Member of Editorial Board of Reidel Book Series "Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics" 1983- ; "Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory" 1986-
Member of Scientific Advisory Board of Lincom Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 1994-
Member of Honorary editorial board of Semantics-Syntax Interface 2013-
Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Neuroscience and Rehabilitation 2014-
Member of Editorial Board of Child Language Acquisition and Development 2015-
- Fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 2000
- University of Connecticut Award for Especially Meritorious Service, 1979,
- University of Connecticut Special Achievement Award, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990,
1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
- University of Connecticut Alumni Association Faculty Award for Excellence
in Research, 1988
- AAUP, University of Connecticut Chapter, Excellence Award for Teaching
Mentorship, 1998
- University of Connecticut Chancellor's Research Excellence Award, 1999
- Fellow of the Linguistic Society of America, 2007-