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Selected Updates

August 2007

New Josephson junction fabrication facilities: A new multitarget sputtering system with ion mill and oxidation capabilities was recently installed by our group to make Josephson junctions and superconducting thin films.

January 2011

New dilution refrigerator installation: A new Leiden Cryogenics dilution refrigerator was installed, doubling the groups capabilities for millikelvin measurements. In addition to the two dilution refrigerators, the group has helium 3 and helium 4 refrigerators for film or device testing.

November 2019

New refrigerator and project: A new dilution refrigerator just arrived at the lab for new computing experiments on topological fluxons. These particles have been theoretically shown to allow reversible logic gates that





article that  B. Sarabi, A. N. Ramanayaka, A. L. Burin, F. C. Wellstood, and K. D. Osborn authored , “Cavity quantum electrodynamics using a near-resonance two-level system: Emergence of the Glauber state,” has been selected as a featured article for the Volume 106, 27 April 2015 issue and artwork for the article appears on the cover. Ref: B. Sarabi, A. N. Ramanayaka, A. L. Burin, F. C. Wellstood, and K. D. Osborn, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 172601 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4918775

April 2015

Featured Article: Applied Physics Letters has just announced that an

can compute much more efficiently than any irreversible (and conventional) logic gate. Now we will investigate the flux solitons and gate operations experimentally. This can lead to a giant leap forward for cryogenic low-dissipation logic, as well as efficient, computing.

See new developments on the ArXiv and the Superconductivity News Forum.

Superconducting circuits with quantum defects for quantum information science, quantized flux for high-performance computing