Agriculture, Science, and, Technology: Environmental Horticulture
College Park Scholars-Science and Global Change

Kate Mastracci Senior Portrait 2022
Hi, I'm Kate and I am a freshman at the University of Maryland CP. Currently I am an Environmental Horticulture major and a member of the College Park Scholars-Science and Global Change Program! My experience at the University so far has been nothing but good things (despite the constant construction). Our campus is beautiful and full of spots to study, eat, and simply hang out; all of which I've taken plenty of advantage of.
I would at some point love to get involved with club volleyball and various other opportunities such as internships. Overall however, I plan on getting to most out of my experience here by trying as many new things and learning as much as possible since I'm not sure when I'll have the same opportunities that I have here again.SGC Gallery and On-Line Projects:
- Trip to NYC
- Expectations Essay
- Solar Eclipse Essay
- Freshman Time Capsule + Advice
- Carbon Footprint Infographic
External Links:
Papas Freezeria