Image of the small group of students and I in front of the National Wildlife Vistor Center entrance.

Image of the small group of students in front of the wolf display located in front of the National Wildlife Visitor Center building.

Image of the Gray Wolves display. The gray wolves are in their natural habitat and conducting nautural actvities (eating, hunting, resting).

Image of the Whooping Crane display. The cranes are in their natural habitat and conducting natural actvities (flying, laying eggs, wading in the wetlands).

Image of the Whooping Crane display. The cranes are in their natural habitat and conducting natural actvities (flying, laying eggs, wading in the wetlands).

Image of the Species Identification Display that vistors use to serach for different species in the area.

Image of me using the Species Identification Display to serach for birds and ducks.

Image of the entrance to the Bee Lab where bee surveys and tests are conducted.

Image of a sample bee survey. The bees of differetn sizes are held in place by pins.

Image of a live American Kestrel Bird

Image of a live Owl.