Interface Design for Cross-language Information Retrieval


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Table of Contents

Interface Design for Cross-language Information Retrieval



Importance of the Project: background and research issues

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

The Demo: Frozen prototype 3f

The Overview a.k.a. yer good ol’ Source-Sink diagram

The Life of Our Project: Iterations one, two, and three

Project Evolution

First Iteration

Source-sink of First Iteration

Screen Shot of First Iteration

Second Iteration

Source-sink of Second Iteration

Screen Shots of Second Iteration

PPT Slide

Third Iteration

Screen Shots of Third Iteration

PPT Slide

Looking Back: Lessons learned and conclusions

Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned, cont.

And now a word from our programmers ...

Looking ahead: Using the interface in the real world?

PPT Slide