Mechanical Engineering
College Park Scholars-Science and Global Change Program

My name is Rafi Kaplan and I am a freshman at the University Of Maryland. I grew up in Newton, Massachusetts and now I am a mechanical engineering major at UMD. I have always been interested in science and the way the world works. Through College Park Scholars Science and Global Change (SGC), I hope to gain a deeper understanding of the science that is affecting our world and learn ways to be proactive in taking care of the planet. As an engineer, I hope to be able to help create technologies that will help the world become more sustainable and reduce our mark on the planet. I think UMD can help me achieve those goals. I am excited about my time here at UMD and I hope to learn a lot and make good memories
SGC Gallery and On-Line Projects:
- Expectations vs. Reality
- Activity two - coming soon
- Activity three - coming soon
External Links:
UMD Mechanical Engineering.