Home Page
Jonathan M. Rosenberg
Professor of Mathematics
I currently hold the
Ruth M. Davis
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Office Phone: (301) 405-5166.
Departmental Fax: (301) 314-0827.
Professional Service
I also maintain the Novikov Conjecture home page
and the UMCP
Math Department electronic journals web page.
I am on the
editorial boards of the journals
Annals of K-Theory (where I
am Managing Editor Emeritus),
of Topology and Analysis (where I am a Managing Editor),
Homology, Homotopy and Applications,
SIGMA, and
The New York Journal of
Mathematics. I also served as
Secretary of the K-Theory
Foundation, Inc., from the inception of the foundation in
2010 until the summer of 2021.
Recent Events:
I was the primary speaker at an
NSF/CBMS Regional
Conference in the Mathematical Sciences in Fort Worth,
Texas, May 17-22,
2009, on Topology,
C*-algebras, and String Duality. This conference was
by NSF. The lectures have been converted into a
published by the American Mathematical Society. A preliminary
version of the manuscript is available here.
I was also one of the
principal lecturers at a Winter
School in Noncommutative Geometry at the University of Buenos Aires
in Argentina, July 26 to August 6, 2010. Notes from the course are available
on the web and have been published in the proceedings
of the school in the Clay Math Proceedings. I was the
principal speaker at a workshop
at the University of Adelaide in 2012
sponsored by IGA and AMSI. I gave another
minicourse at the NCGOA 13
Spring Institute at Vanderbilt University in May, 2013. I
co-organized a Focus Program
on Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Groups at the Fields Institute
in June, 2013 and a follow-up
Workshop on the Geometry of Noncommutative Manifolds
in March, 2015. In August, 2016, I taught a short course
at the Glances at Manifolds II
conference in Krakow. I was on the organizing committee for a
Trimester Program on K-Theory and Related Fields
at the Hasdorff Institute in Bonn, May 8 - August 31, 2017 and for
the School
and Workshop on K-Theory in La Plata and Buenos Aires,
Argentina, in July, 2018. I am a
of the American Mathematical Society.
Just for Fun:
a Mathematical Sonnet,
written December 2002, a Mathematical Haiku,
written December 2005, some
Mathematical Limericks, written December 2004,
with additions December 2011 and December 2012,
and some Mathematical Nursery Rhymes,
written December 2006.
Jonathan Rosenberg's home page
of Mathematics,
University of Maryland, College Park
