Computer Science-Data Science Track
University of Maryland Department of Computer Science
College Park Scholars-Science and Global Change Program
A picture of me
Purpose Statement
This website is designed to showcase the work Jeffrey has completed during his time as a Science and Global Change Scholar. While participating his studies, Jeffrey hopes to learn more about the intersection between technology, science, and the constantly shifting world. As a Scholar, he intends to grasp the concepts necessary to be a contributing scientist, which are extremely relevant to his studies of computer science and statistics. The experiences that occur during this endeavor will be posted on this webpage or webpages posted as links on this site, to serve as a record for future reference for himself and important parties such as employers. Additionally, this page will also serve the purpose of keeping descriptions of each activity and the fruits gained from participated in said activity. In this way, the viewer of the website may see that the activities are meaningful. Key university links and perhaps personal links will be provided below for ease of access (and liven up the page a little bit more!).SGC Gallery, Activities, and Online Projects:
- SGC Event Gallery
- Service Day
- Metro Scavenger Hunt
- Expectations & Reality Essay
- Carbon Footprint Infographic
- Freshman Time Capsule Essay
External Links:
University of Maryland Department of Computer Science