Parents of David Dalton, Sr.

The Myth

David Dalton, Sr., of Pittsylvania County VA is the son of Timothy Dalton of Bedford County VA.

Source of the Myth

Obscure.  Timothy did sign a note with David in 1748 (Lunenburg County VA COB 1:406) and did do security (along with Benjamin Henslee) for David in 1753 (Lunenburg County VA COB 2 1/2: 271).  No reason to believe, however, that this was a father and son.  Nancy Samuelson lists him as son of Timothy in The Dalton Gang Story but notes that "it is possible that some of these men are either brothers or grandsons of Timothy, Jr. instead of his sons."

Straightening the Record

Fact 1:  Timothy Dalton of Bedford County was born in 1714 or 1715.  Bedford County COB 3:480 records testimony by Timothy in 1768.  Timothy indicates in that testimony that he is 53 years old.

Fact 2:  David Dalton, Sr., was born before 1725.  The earliest legal record for David is as defendant in a suit filed for debt in Brunswick County VA in 1746 (Brunswick County VA COB 3:63).  David would need to be over 21 at that time to have contracted for debt.  David is also listed in the 1748 tithe lists for Lunenburg County VA when he must be 21.

What the facts tell us about the myth?

Timothy Dalton of Bedford County was no more than 11 years old when David was born.  They are more likely brothers, although that cannot be proven.

Prepared by James F. Klumpp

Last revised May 5, 2000

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