The following are sample exam questions to give you an idea of the type of questions that will be asked on the exam. Obviously the exam will contain additional questions of each type and will contain questions other than those that appear below. Point totals assigned to each part of the exam may vary on the final exam. In addition to these sample questions, you probably want to consult the web pages offering advice on studying for the exam and on studying for and answering essay questions. The samples are provided to help you prepare for the type of question:
Part I: Matching. In column A is a quotation from one of the speeches we have studied this semester. In column B is a list of speakers we have studied. For each of the quotations in column A, indicate in the left hand column below the letter corresponding to the speaker from column B who gave the speech. You may use any of the speakers or years more than once if appropriate. (four points each answer)
Speaker |
Col. A | Col. B |
1. _______ | "And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except the soveriegn people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man." | a. Ronald Reagan |
Part II: Multiple Choice. Indicate on the line to the left of the number the best answer from among the choices provided for each question. (5 points each)
_________ |
11. |
When a speaker seeks to motivate their chosen audience to take public action, which of the following is most frequently important to their success: (a) issue a friendly greeting to the audience at the beginning of the speech; (b) paying deference to those making the decisions; (c) using names for the problem that motivate public action; (d) providing specifics of their plan for change. |
_________ |
12. | Franklin Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address wove together as a central strategy the following metaphors: (a) the machine and the seasons, (b) war and religion; (c) night/day and dreams; (d) learning and being a consumer. |
_________ |
13. | Progressives were primarily: (a) members of the Democratic Party; (b) members of the Republican Party; (c) a movement that took up a home in both parties; (d) the most successful political party in the early 20th century. |
Part III: Fill in the blank. Fill in the following list. (one point for each line)
The three most important Progressive speakers were:
13. _____________________________________________
14. ______________________________________________
15. _______________________________________________
Part IV: Short answer. Answer the following questions in the test booklet. Be sure you number your answers. (5 points each)
21. Define public leadership.
22. Explain the relationship between nationalism and exceptionalism in American rhetoric.
Part V: Essay. Answer one of the following questions in your test booklet. Be sure you indicate in the test booklet which question you chose to answer.
23a. One of the important elements of a leader developing public will to address crisis situations is his use of the dialectic of permanence and change. Using either Franklin Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address or Ronald Reagan's First Inaugural Address, discuss how your chosen speaker worked the dialectic of permanence and change.
23b. One of the times when leadership is required is motivating the nation in time of war. From your study, describe the characteristic strategies that Presidents employ in speeches to motivate war . Illustrate those characteristics from speeches you have studied . Your answer will be evaluated on the comprehensiveness of your understanding of the discourse strategies for motivating war and your ability to clearly explain and illustrate those tendencies.
23c. Mother Jones was a sometimes labor organizer and sometimes socialst speaker. Explain the rhetorical choices in her speech that we studied and their power. What was the exigence that shaped her speech's response to its moment? What motivational barriers did she face? What strategies did she choose to overcome these barriers? Did those strategies seem appropriate for her audience? Who was her audience? What was the basis of the (in)approrpriateness of her response?
Note: Like these questions, an essay question on the exam will ask you to employ concepts that we have discussed in the class in talking about one of the speeches we have studied, or to use speeches we have studied to talk about particular rhetorical themes, forms, or characteristics. If you have done a good job on your abstracts they should have followed the same pattern. I may provide a couple questions for you to choose between since I am seeking the depth rather than the full breadth of your understanding on the question. I may also provide a text that you can look at in answering the question. If I do the latter, I will expect more specificity in your answer.
Part VI: Extra Credit. Fill in the following:
"Only a foolish optimist can deny the dark realities of the moment.
Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men."
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address
Note: During our class review, I will give you a list of three passages that this extra credit will be drawn from among.