Study Exercise for Argument

Working with this will help you to learn to recognize the various key terms in analyzing an argument. The exercise will work best if you will print off this page (you may also print off a .pdf version, or use a word processor), use the links below to find discourse to analyze, and then share your results with others to see how close you came.

Thesis of the strategic discourse: ____________________________



Two issues addressed in the discourse:

  1. __________________________________________________________________________


  2. __________________________________________________________________________


Select a claim made in the discourse: _________________________



Select the support for the claim: ____________________________




If this claim is an identifiable form of argument, what form is it?


On the back of this form, evaluate the support for the claim. Evaluate it both as evidence and for its warranting strength.

Some Links:

These links will take you to various kinds of strategic discourse that you can analyze:

In addition, you can select columns from newspapers and magazines of your choosing.

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