Major: Chemical Engineering
College Park Scholars-Science and Global Change Program

This is the picture that I used for a sample resume that I created for a chemical engineering class.
After four years at Broadneck High School, I am very excited to study at UMD. From the Scholars program, I seek to expand the border of my experiences into areas and disciplines I have not explored yet. I would really like to learn more about the environment around me, and what I can do to protect it. I decided to major in chemical engineering because I really enjoyed chemistry in high school, so I thought that I would try to pursue it further in college, and hopefully in the workforce. So far, I have enjoyed my time at UMD. I have met lots of new people and made plenty of new friends. I have met more people like me, who care about their school work and are willing to work hard.
SGC Gallery and On-Line Projects:
- Picture Gallery
- Expectations v. Reality Essay
- Freshman Time Capsule
- 3 Semester Review
- Practicum Video Testimonial
- Importance of UMD Libraries Practicum Poster
External Links:
A Picture of Me In the Gym Freshman Year