18 February 2003 |
Wow, it's been quite some time since the last update here. Obviously, I'm lazy. But that's nothing new. So... I felt that this storm that has cancelled, so far, not 1 but 2 days of classes in a row deserved some mention. So I'm mentioning it! What has this storm done for me? It has put off a paper proposal that was due for international marketing, a group meeting for my logistics class, an exam for business law, and some random homework for advanced composition German and German for international business. That's a beautiful thing. ![]() |
26 April 2002 |
Once again, history repeated itself. In today's game of modified war, I tried to give the Scottish rebels another chance against Longshanks' English... but to no avail. We were going stong in the beginning and had the English on the run... but the tides of battle turned. We held on quite awhile with small forces (and had to change location, as the dining hall closed... we relocated to LeFrak). But when they Sassenachs captured William Wallace, the endeavor was doomed. Try as they might, the Irish guy, Hamish, and the guy who's wife the English took on their wedding night just couldn't hold out for long alone. William never cried "Mercy," though and fought bravely to the bloody end. ![]() |
24 April 2002 |
Why do the weeks at the end of the year go so much faster than the ones at the beginning? Could it be that it's a conspiracy determined to keep me from finishing everything without completely loosing what little sanity i have left? Yes, I'm a procrastinator. Yes, I leave things to the last moment. But if those moments would just go as slowly as the ones did when I made the decision, surely I could fit it all in. Time is definitely against me. I've discovered that the amount of time available always varies inversely with the amount of work needing to be done. I think the laws of the universe are just set against us. But on the bright side, V-Khye and I are breaking the geek boundaries, taking the prison walls of our geekiness out one chink at a time. Yes, we "bit the dust" in accounting yesterday. It was beautiful. I think we sat there a full minute before deciding to leave, but such time is neglegible in the face of the geeky pressure we had to overcome in order to leave the class behind. Instead, we had a much more enjoyable time playing a modified version of War (the card game), during which history repeated itself when Germany (V-Khye) lost to the rest of the world (me). He should have stayed away from those neutral countries... it only pissed me off. Sure, I granted him a few unimportant land victories, like Georgia and Texas, but Switzerland and Belgium (and Alaska!) repelled his forces with ease. Surprisingly so did the Australians. We weren't quite sure what to expect from them, but they rose to the occasion and sent him scurrying back to Europe. And so, the allied forces triumphed... and we killed an hour that would have otherwise been spent going comatose with boredom in accounting. All in all, a satisfying evening. ![]() |
16 April 2002 |
Today is a momentous occasion - mark the calendars - I'm skipping the dreaded Accounting Lecture! ![]() Geekiness isn't the only tendency I have, however. While compiling my results from various online quizzes, I have determined that I'm evil as well. In all the movies/shows I test for, I keep coming out the evil character. Well, I guess not in X-Men. Mystique was the only villian possible to get, but I got Gambit. Of course, he just likes to "blow shit up." ![]() |
15 April 2002 |
Drumroll, please.... here's the first journal entry. The problem is, that while I had some witty idea for a first journal entry when I started to create this page, it abandoned me before I got to this point. Such is the fickle mind I live with. Except for those moments when it goes on holiday. In any case, I'm really just killing time as I debate which is stronger: my hunger or my intense desire not to go outside again. So far the stay inside side is winning, but hunger is a sneaky opponent and may outmaneuver it at any moment. Life is such a battle. Speaking of battles (I'm such a transition expert), I must say that Melissa and I played an excellent game of Taboo (our new Sunday night ritual), soundly defeating Tony and V-Khye. Geekiness came through when such tricky words came up as "Worm," with forbidden words Earth, Soil, Ground, Living, and Snake. But in 8103, Geeks 'R' Us, all it took was "a virus, that sends itself to other people" to immediately illicit the correct response. Beautiful. Well, perhaps it was all that talk of worms, but hunger just won. I'm out. Until next time! |