English Semantics: Meaning in Language

English 385

MWF, 1:00 - 1:50 pm, 1121 Susquehanna Hall

Asst. Prof. Michael Israel
Office Hours: MW 2-3 and by appointment
4109 Susquehanna Hall, tel: 405-3816, email: israel@wam.umd.edu

Course documents:
Syllabus (MS Word download)

Course outline:
What is meaning? What does it mean to "mean what one says"? How do words carry meaning, and how do people put meaning into the words they use? What is "literal" meaning and how does it relate to other kinds of meaning (allegorical, metaphorical, hidden)? What makes a sentence true, or makes a particular speech act count as a promise, a threat, a suggestion, or a hint? These are some of the questions that will concern us in this general introduction to the study of meaning in language. This course will introduce students to a broad range of semantic phenomena and the theoretical tools linguists use to analyze them. The organization of the syllabus reflects both empirical and theoretical perspectives in the study of linguistic semantics. On the theoretical side, the basic question is how does one represent meaning, and more particularly, how should a theory of meaning fit with an overall theory of language and mind. On the empirical side, emphasis will be placed on the description and analysis of real linguistic data. The examples we will consider include both spoken and written uses of English, as well as wholly invented utterances supplemented with native speaker judgments. Major topics include the nature of word meaning, the relation between lexical and grammatical meaning, the role of compositionality and idiomaticity in the creation of complex meanings, and the interaction between context and convention in determining a speaker's meaning. This course has no prerequisites.