Readings for English 482, Spring 2009
History of the English Languages

Clicking the links below will download the named documents

Burchfield "The Genealogy of Dictionaries" pdf

Burchfield "Historical Principles of the OED" pdf

Croft "An evolutionary model of language change"pdf

Crystal "English Worldwide" pdf

Denison & Hogg "Overview to a History of the English Language" pdf

Frey "Noun History" pdf

Frey "Pronoun History" pdf

Frey "Verb History" pdf

Hinton "Upriver, Downriver" pdf

Milroy "The Legitimate Language: Giving a history to English"pdf

Nunberg "The Persistence of English"pdf

Wolfram & Schilling-Estes "Dialects of the United States"pdf

Yaguello, "What Language is For" pdf