Title: Associate Professor of Bioengineering
Phone: 301-405-5268
Fax: 301-405-9953
Email: herold@umd.edu
Office: Room 3236 Jeong H. Kim Building (Bldg KEB #225)
Mailing Address:
Keith Herold
3236 Kim Engineering Building
Fischell Department of Bioengineering
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Education: Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1985
Research Interests:
BioMEMS, microfluidic systems for bioanalytical assays, heat and
mass transfer in bioengineering
Honors and Awards:
Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Recent Publications
Herold, K.E., Rasooly, A., 2003,
“Oligo Design, A Computer Program for Development of Probes for
Oligonucleotide Microarrays”, BioTechniques, Vol. 35, No. 6,
pp. 1216-1218,1220-1221.
A., Herold, K.E., 2004, “Biosensors for the Analysis of Food and
Water Borne Pathogens and their Toxins”, accepted by J. of AOAC
Sergeev, N.,
Distler, M.,Vargas, M., Chizhikov, V., Herold. K. and Rasooly, A. ,
2005, “Microarray analysis of Bacillus cereus group virulence
factors”, accepted by J. of Microbiological Methods.
Sergeev, N., Rasooly, A., Herold,
K.E., 2005, “Oligonucleotide Design For PCR Primers And Microarray
Probes”, chapter in Encyclopedia of Medical Genomics and
Proteomics, Vol. 2, pp. 938-942.
Rasooly, A., Herold, K.E., 2006, “Biosensors for Microbial Diagnostics”, Chapter 18 in
Encyclopedia of Rapid Microbiological Methods, Vol. 3, pp. 407-448.
Sergeev, N., Herold, K.E., Rasooly, A., 2006, “Microarray Analysis of Microbial Pathogens”, Chapter 17 in
Encyclopedia of Rapid Microbiological Methods, Vol. 3, pp. 363-405.
