Item the twentyeth Day of September 1677 I the above Named Gorge Soule Doe heerby further Declare that it is my will that if my son John Soule above named or his heires or Assignes or any of them shall att any time Disturbe my Daughter Patience or her heires or Assignes or any of them in peacable Posession or Injoymenht of the lands I have Given her att Namassaket allies Middleberry and Recover the same from her or her heires or Assignes or any of them That then my Gift to my son John Soule shall be voyd; and that then my will is my Daughter Patience shall have all my lands att Duxburrey And shee shalbe my sole executrix of this my last Will and Testament And enter into my housing lands and meddowes at Duxburrow,
In Witness wherof I have heerunto sett my hand and seale;
Gorge Soule and A seal
The above Named Gorge Soule did Signe and seale to this addition in the presence of us
Nathaniell Thomas
The Marke D T of Deborah Thomas;