Article copied line-by-line from The Katonah Times, Friday, June 3, 1898. The page was in very poor
condition, with a crumbling vertical fold passing through the article so that some lines are incomplete:
June Weddings.
The marriage of Miss Mary Harriette
Cargon, the only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William H. Cargon, of Cherry
Street, to Mr. Harry Zalmon Mayne,
the only son of Mr. and Mrs. James C.
Mayne, took [place] Tuesday at 1 p.m.
at the home... the bride's parents. It
was an ideal... wedding, es-
pecially aft... month we have
had. ...ations of the
house,... ally of ferns
and dogwood...
taste. There were about __ invited
guests, friends of the young couple,
To the strains of the wedding march
from "Lohengrin," played by Miss
Vida Miller, the bridal party entered
the parlor; William Cargon, brother
of the bride, acted as best man and
Miss Eva Troup, of White Plains, a
cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid.
The ushers were E. Percy Barrett and
Wm. H. Clar_, both of Katonah. The
bridal party took their places in the
large bay window, where Dr. Eli Quick,
pastor of the M. E. church, performed
the ceremony.
The bride wore a gown of white or-
gandie over white silk and carried a
bouquet of white roses and the brides-
maid was arrayed in white organdie
over pale ___ and carried pink
After the ceremony and the usual
congratulations refreshments were
served. Among those present from
out of town were Mrs. Cox, of Mt.
Kisco; Mr. William Fowler and wife,
Mr. Ellsw_ Fowler and wife, and
Miss Clara Fowler, all of Carmel; Mrs.
Troup and daughters, of White Plains;
Miss Walp_ of Unionville, and Chas.
Adams, of ___ Spring, N. Y.
About three o'clock, the newly mar-
ried couple were driven to Goldens
Bridge and took the train from there
on a short wedding journey.
They received a large number of
very handsome presents, ...
being.. Haviland china dinner..
twenty dollar check, handsome stands,
rocking chairs,..ocks, silverware, etc.
Upon their return they will commence
housekeeping in their newly furnished
rooms in Henry Deacon's house on
Bedford Road.