Mrs. Ella Josselyn Marks 90th Birthday

Mrs. Ella M. Josselyn of 3 Greenridge Ave. is 90 years old today. Members of her immediate family gave her a party Saturday to celebrate the occasion.

Attending the event were her daughters, Miss Priscilla Josselyn of the home address and Mrs. Kenneth DeVoe of Sherman, Conn.; her granddaughter, Mrs. Maurice Webert of Edina, Minn., and grandsons, Howard DeVoe of Bethesda, Md., and Robert DeVoe of Baltimore, Md. Kenneth DeVoe was also present.

Mrs. Josselyn has lived in White Plains since 1913 except for a period of 12 years when she was a resident of Pleasantville. A charter member of the White Plains Contemporary Club, now the Woman's Club of White Plains, she served as chairman of the Home Economics Section for a number of years.

In 1908 she was married to Edgar A. Josselyn of New York City, an architect. He died in 1943.

Later in life, Mrs. Josselyn became office nurse for Dr. Henry J. Vier of White Plains, a position she held for 25 years [until he died in June, 1960]. In recent years she has supplied several women's exchanges with home-made caramel candies.

In addition to her three grandchildren, Mrs. Josselyn has eight great grandchildren.