Cleveland City, Cuyahuga County, Ohio
13817 Svec Avenue
Krizek - Lad T head
house owned, value 9000
age at last birthday: 33
age at first marriage: 30
born Czechoslovakia, parents born Czechoslovakia
year of immigration to the United States: 1912
occupation: Agent industry or business: Real Estate
veteran of US military: yes; what war: WW
__ Elsie Wife 24 at last birthday 21 at marriage born Ohio
parents born Czechoslovkia
__ Eugene L son age 2-3/12
Schlessinger - William Bro-Law age 26 born Ohio parents born Czechoslovakia
occupation: Bookkeeper industry or business: bank
Vaingat Joseph boarder age 31 born Czechoslovakia, parents born Czechoslovakia
year of immigration to the United States: 1912
occupation: Agent industry or business: Real Estate