Partial transcript:
8th Grade Girls
Made Own Dresses
For the Exercises
Principal Housemann Con-
gratulates Teachers and Class
for This Achievement; Dr.
Guerstenberg Gives Advice to
Boys and Girls.
. . . After the address, Principal W. Lynn Housemann made the announcement that nearly all the girls were appearing in dresses made by themselves in classes in the eighth grade. He congratulated the teachers and the girls on their fine achievements.
Principle Houseman [sic] gave a review of the work of the graduating class. Betty Nelson, with an average of 95 1-7 per cent, leads the girls, and Newcomb Dusenbury, with 94 3-7 per cent, leads the boys in Regents' honors. The others, with high averages in Regents are: Girls, Caroline Tietgen, [sic] 91 1-7 per cent; Ruth Jackson, 91 1-7 per cent; Eleanor Coles, 90 5-7 per cent; Janet Foster, 90 3-7 per cent; Martha Joselyn [sic], 90 1-7 per cent . . .