Phys606/S15/Hassam/General Information  

Instructor: Professor Adil Hassam, , A.V. Williams 3307, x5-1417

Access:   The best way to contact me for any short questions is by email.    I will also be available right after class. 
For general questions or other, we can meet in my office. You can try random access, or we can set up appointments.   Questions in class are strongly encouraged.


Spacetime:        Tue-Thu........11:00am-12:40pm (PHY 1402)

TA:  xxxxxx,, Room PSCxxx, Office Hours: Mon 5-6pm, Thu 5-6pm

Text: J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, 3d Ed

For Math Methods –                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Mathews and Walker (brief, good for quick survey and quick application)
Arfken, Weber, Harris (text for Phys604)
Bender and Orszag (excellent text for asymptotic methods)
Abramowitz and Stegun (Handbook for special functions)
Morse and Feshbach (classic reference, detailed descriptions)
Churchill (complex variables)
Boas (many examples)
Lea, Math for Physicists                                                                                                                                

For Physics –         
Griffiths, Electrodynamics
Panofsky and Phillips

Marion, Class EM Rad  

Content: Electrostatics, magnetostatics, Maxwell's equations, waves and radiation, special relativity. Mathematical methods developed in Phys604 will be assumed for this class.

Homework: Weekly problem sets, graded.

Exams: TBA

Grading (tentative): Problem Sets - 20%, Exams - 80%  (TBA)