University of Toronto, Canada, B.A., 1966
University of California, Los Angeles, M.A., 1967
University of California, Los Angeles, Ph.D., 1968
University of Toronto, Canada, B.A., 1966
University of California, Los Angeles, M.A., 1967
University of California, Los Angeles, Ph.D., 1968
President, Israel Society for Social Psychological Research, 1983-1985.
Core Member, International Study Group on "Historical Change in Social Psychology" (with Carl Graumann, Leon
Festinger, Serge Moscovici, and Robert Farr). Bad Homburg, Werner Reimers Stiftung, Germany, 1981-1987
Executive Committee, Society for Experimental Social Psychology, 1988-1991
Chair, Committee for SESP Distinguished Scientist Award, 1990-1991
Member, NSF Advisory Review Panel fNr Social Psychology, 1990-1993
NSF Super Panel on Infrastructure, April 2000
NIH Panel on Social Neuroscience, March 2002
Member, National Academy of Science: Social and Behavioral Science Panel on Counter-terrorism, 2001-2002.
NIMH RHB4 Grant Review Panel for Social Behavior, 2003-2007
Member, Board of Behavioral Cognitive and Sensory Sciences, The National Academy of Science, 2006-present.
Professional Functions
University Lecture: “The Psychology of Terrorism.” London School of Economics, October 27, 2011.
Keynote address: “The Role of Goals in Human Behavior.” Annual Meeting of the German Association of Social
Psychology. Hamburg, Germany, September 18, 2011.
Keynote address: “Features of Multifinality.” Annual Meeting of the Polish Association of Social Psychology,
Lublin, Poland, September 15, 2009.
Invited address: “Features of Multifinality”. Society for the Study of Motivation. Chicago, Illinois, May 22, 2009.
Recipient, The Revesz Chair, University of Amsterdam, Fall 2008.
Recipient, 2007 University of Maryland System Regents’ Faculty Award for Research/Scholarship/Creative
Honoree, Aaron Wildawsky Forum for Public Policy. University of California, Berkeley. 2008.
Keynote Address: “What motivates a suicide terrorist?”. German Association for Social Psychology. Freiburg,
Germany, September 2007.
Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award, Society for Experimental Social Psychology, 2007.
Keynote Address: “The Psychology of Counter-Terrorism”. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological
Association, Ottawa, June 7-9, 2007.
Invited Address: “The Psychology of Closed Mindedness” XXIX International Congress of Psychology. Berlin July
20-25, 2008.
Keynote Address: “Terrorism Between Syndrome and Tool”. Bi-annual Meeting of the Kurt Lewin Institute,
Woudshoten, Holland., June 9, 2006.
Keynote Address: “The Psychology of Terrorism” Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social
Psychology. Palm Springs, California. January, 2006.
Greenwald Distinguished Speaker in Social Psychology, Ohio State University, May 2006.
Invited address: “The Parametric Unimodel as a Theory of Social Judgment.” Annual Meeting of the Midwestern
Psychological Association. May 2006, Chicago, IL.
Fellow, American Psychological Association.
Fellow, American Psychological Society.
Fellow, Society for General Psychology (APA Division 1).
Fellow, Society for Personality and Social Psychology (Division 8 of APA).
D. O. Hebb Lecture. McGill University. October, 2005.
Invited address: “Terrorism: The Psychology of a Tool”. Annual Meeting of the American Psychological
Association. Washington, DC., August 2005.
Invited address: "Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition." Annual Meeting of the American
Psychological Society. May, 2005. Los Angeles, CA.
Keynote address: "The New Goal Psychology: This Ain't Your Grandpa's 'Motivation'". Social Cognition
preconference at Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, January 2005, New
Distinguished University Professor, University of Maryland (named May 2003).
Keynote address: “Motivated Closed Mindedness and the Emergence of Group Centrism”. British Psychological
Society, Bournemouth, March 2003.
Invited speaker. Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. “Theories as Bridges”. Los
Angeles, California. February, 2003.
Recipient, Humboldt Forschungspreis, (lifetime achievement award), 2003.
Distinguished Faculty Research Fellowship Award, University of Maryland, 2002.
Among ‘top 25 most cited social/personality psychologists' (Personality and Social Psychology Review, 2001).
Keynote address. 3-eme Congres International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Francaise. "Une theorie de
systems de buts". Valencia, Spain. September, 2000.
Invited address, The Donald T. Campbell Lecture, February, 2000, Nashville, TN.
Recipient, The Donald T. Campbell Award for Distinguished Scientific Contribution to Social Psychology, Society
for Personality and Social Psychology, 1999.
Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, CA, 1998-1999.
Invited address (Distinguished Speaker Series): "Persuasion by a single route: The cue is the message."Eastern
Psychological Association, April 1997, Washington, D.C.
Invited address: "Cognitive and Motivational Underpinnings of Knowledge Acquisition." East-West meeting of the
European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, April 1995, Prague, Czech Republic.
Invited address: "The Closing of the Mind: Its Cognitive and Social Consequences." Western Psychological
Association, April 1995, Los Angeles, CA.
Invited address: "Motivated Social Cognition: Effects of the Need for Closure." American Psychological Society.
June 11 1993, Chicago, IL.
Invited address: "The Motivation/Cognition Interface in Social-Cognitive Psychology: A drama in four acts."Jos
Jaspars Memorial Lecture. December 17, 1993, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Invited address: "Motivation and Social Cognition: Enemies or a love story." Division 8. American Psychological
Association. August 1991, San Francisco.
Invited address: "Comparing lay and scientific epistemologies." European Association of Social Psychology. May
1984, Tilburg - The Netherlands.
Included in R. Corsini's Wiley Encyclopedia of Psychology.
K05 NIMH Research Scientist Award "Motivated Cognitive Bases of Group Interaction” $500,000, 1995-2000
Career Award
Templeton Foundation Grant on E”pistemic Bases of Intellectual Attitudes of Arrogance, Diffidence and Humility:
Joint Effects of Need for Cognitive Closure and of Ascribed Epistemic Authority”, 2013-2015, $254,000
DoD Grant on “Motivational, Ideological Factors in Radicalization”, 2012-2017, $4,500,000
NSF Grant on “Multifinality Effects on Goal Phenomena”, 2009-2013, $400,000
NSF Grant on “The Parametric Unimodel of Social Judgment”, 2006-2009, $240,000
R01 DA19405: "Drug Choice, Impulsivity, and Risky Sexual Behavior”, 2006-2010, PI: Lejuez; Co-PI: Kruglanski;
total costs $1,250,000
Co-PI, DHS Grant, National Center for the Study of Terrorism and the Response to Terrorism, 2005-2008,
NSF Grant on “Goal Systemic Effects on Self Regulation, 2004-2006, $280,000
NSF Grant on "Persuasion by a single route: The Unimodel" $240,000 1999-2001, Creativity Extension,
NIMH Grant on "Motivated Factors in Group Conservatism" $500,000. 1995-2000, no cost extension - July 2001
NSF Grant for first American-Italian Conference on Social Psychology, Bertinoro, Italy $11,200. May, 1995
NSF Grant for study of "Need for Closure Effects on Interpersonal Phenomena"
$206,000. 1995-1998
NIMH Grant for study of "Effects of Need for Closure on Social Cognition and Interaction" $452,990. 1990-1994
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grant for "Lay epistemics effects on judgment and decision making" (with M.
Irle, Mannheim University) DM 350.000. 1982-1984
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Visiting Foreign Scholar Award 1981-1982
Israel Academy of Sciences Grant Ford Foundation Grant 9-A 1978-1980
Ford Foundation Grant No. 7 (through Israel Foundation Trustees) 1973-1974
The James Marshal Fund Grant 1969-1970
NIMH Small Grant No. MH- 1815 -01 1969-1970
NIHM Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 1968
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, 1966
Research Grants
Associate Editor, American Psychologist, 2003-2005
Editor, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition, 1995-2000
Incoming Editor, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition, 1994-1995
Editor, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1991-1994
Editor Elect, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1990-1991
Associate Editor, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1988-1991
Editing and Reviewing
Psychological Review, 2004-present
American Psychologist, 2002-2004
The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1978-1981
European Journal of Social Psychology, 1984-1993
Polish Psychological Bulletin, 1989
British Journal of Social Psychology, 1990-1995
Rassegna di Psicologia, 1995-present
European Review of Social Psychology, 1999-present
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition, 1999-present
Editorial Boards
Psychological Review
Psychological Bulletin
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology
Journal of Personality
Human Relations
Memory and Cognition
Journal of Educational Psychology
Developmental Psychology
National Science Foundation
Canada Council
European Journal of Social Psychology
American Psychologist
Scientific Reviewer
University of Amsterdam, Revesz Honorary Professor, Fall 2008
University of Heidelberg, Visiting Professor, Humboldt Foundation Research Prize, 2003
Sorbonne, Paris; Universite Rene Descartes, Visiting Professor, 2000
University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, Visiting Professor, 1993-1994
University of Maryland, College Park, Professor of Psychology, 1987- Present
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Visiting Professor, 1986-1987
University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, Visiting Professor, 1985-1986
University of Waterloo, Canada, Visiting Professor, 1984-1985
Tel-Aviv University, Israel, Chairman, University Wide Committee for Graduate Studies, 1983-1984
University of Waterloo, Visiting Foreign Scholar (Special Grant/Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
of Canada), 1981-1982
Mannheim University, West Germany, Guest Research Professor, 1981
Tel-Aviv University, Israel, Professor, Psychology Department, 1980
Tel-Aviv University, Israel, Chairman, General Educational Planning Committee, Faculty of Humanities, 1978-1980
Tel-Aviv University, Israel, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, 1976-1980
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, Visiting Professor,1975-1976
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Visiting Professor, 1974-1975
Tel-Aviv University, Israel, Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, 1972
Tel-Aviv University, Israel, Lecturer, Department of Psychology, 1969
Tel-Aviv University, Israel, Director, Social Psychology Program, 1969-1974
National Institute of Mental Health, Post-doctoral Fellow, 1968
Professional Employment