/* This progam shows the basic features of scanf() Gang Qu Sept. 1, 2015 */ #include int main (void) { int a; float b; char c; char name[10], name2[10]; // scanf("%d %f %c %s", &a, &b, &c, name); scanf("%d %f %c %[a-zA-Z]s", &a, &b, &c, name); printf("a= %d, b = %f, c = %c, name = %s\n", a, b, c, name); scanf("%s", name2); printf("%s\n", name2); /* printf("Enter in the following format: \n \t student_ID ... score ... \n"); scanf("%*s %d %*s %c", &a, &c); printf("a = %d, c = %c\n", a, c); scanf("%d", &a); scanf("%*c %c", &c); printf("%c \n", c); */ return 0; }