/* This program asks user to enter the radius of a circle and then print out the area and circumference of the circle. It has the following features: 1. variable declaration. 2. constant variable declaration. 3. read in input from screen (scanf() function). 4. print out the value of variables by printf() function. 5. define all the variables in a function before any other statement. 6. a couple of good programming habits * tell the user what you are expecting * check whether you are reading in the right thing or not after each scanf() by simply printing out the values Gang Qu Sept. 5, 2008 */ #include #define PI 3.14159 int main(void) { float r, A, C; /* this is another way to declare constant variable. notice the (many) difference between this one and the #define const float PI = 3.14159; */ printf("Enter the radius of the circle (positive number):"); scanf("%f", &r); printf("Radius = %f \n", r); /* we should check whether r is positive or not, which we will learn pretty soon. */ if(r>0){ A = PI * r * r; C = 2 * r * PI; } else { A=0; C=0; } printf("Area = %f, Circumference = %f\n", A, C); return 0; }