2 Couple Set Dances
In all of these dances (unless marked otherwise), the man will be
standing to the left of the woman. Men offer their right hands palm up
to the women; generally aim to have the hands be at level of the woman's
waist. For more explanation on the basic steps, see
Basic Figures. Form the sets of two
couples facing across the set towards the other couple.
2 Couple set dance
Like St. Martin's, this dance has an orientation so that one man ('Fred'
position) will set up with his right shoulder towards the audience and
his partner on the right. The second couple will set up proper facing the
Fred couple. Unless otherwise marked the set and turn is facing your
- A1
- Join inside hands, Double Forward, drop hands, take your corner's
hands and take 2 slip steps away from the set and 2 slip steps towards the
set, drop hands, pass your corner by the right, two hand turn your
partner 1-1/2 turns.
- A2
- Join inside hands, Double Forward, drop hands, take your corner's
hands and take 2 slip steps away from the set and 2 slip steps towards the
set, drop hands, pass your corner by the right, two hand turn your partner
1 -1/2 turns.
- Men change places, woman change places, set and turn
- B2
- Women change place, men change places, set and turn
- A1
- All face sideways out of the set and join inside hands with corner,
double forward, double back. Drop hands, turn back towards set and 2-hand
turn with partner
- A2
- Facing across the set, all double back, double forward, set and turn
- B1
- "Scissors" figure. Men slip to their own right while Women
slip to their own left with the Women passing in front of their partner.
Then Men slip to their own left while Women slip to their right (all
returning to place, with Men again going behind their partner, turn
corner by the right hand.
- B2
- Women double towards each other (diagonally across the set) and double
back. Men then do a Hey around the Women by passing right shoulders and
going left around their corner then going right around their partner
ending up back in place.
- A1
- Half-pousette move (Join hands with corner and Women back up while Men
go forward, move across the set (men basically going back to back) and Men
back up while Women go forward and end up improper. Drop hands. All set
and turn single
- A2
- Scissors back to place (Women slip steps right while Men slip steps
left behind them). Join hands with corner and Women fall back a double
while Men go forward a double. Then Men fall back while Women go forwards
(ending up back in place). Set and turn single
- B1
- Non-Fred Man and Fred Woman do a short cast and circle back to place
with their partner following Fred Man and Non-Fred Woman do a short cast
and circle back to place with their partner following
- B2
- Do 2 changes of a circular hey with hands (starting with corner).
Join hands with partner and 2 hand turn falling into a line facing the
audience. We decided on June 22, 2009 that both couples will be turning
End Argeers
2 Couple Set Dance
Start holding hands with partner and facing the other couple.
- A1
- Double Forward, Double Back
- A2
- Double Forward, Double Back
- B1
- Back to Back with your corner (aka Do-si-do) passing right shoulders
Full gypsy with your corner (like the do-si-do but face each other the
entire time)
- B2
- Back to Back with your partner (aka Do-si-do) passing right shoulders
Full gypsy with your partner (like the do-si-do but face each other the
entire time)
- A1
- Side right with your partner
- A2
- Side left with your corner
- B1
- Men change places across the set, then Women change places.
All join hands and circle once clockwise.
- B2
- Women change places across the set, then Men change places.
All join hands and circle once clockwise, back to your place.
- A1
- Arm right with your partner
- A2
- Arm left with your corner
- B1
- Half-Pousette with your corner (Take both hands with your
corner. Men walk forwards and women walk backwards, then to the man's
right, then backwards into the other couple's place. Everyone will now be
standing in their partner's former place. Drop hands.)
Men do a short cast (partner chase) returning to where they started the
- Half-Pousette back to place (Take both hands with your corner. Men
walk forwards and women walk backwards, then to the man's left, then
backwards into the other couple's place. Everyone will now be standing in
their original place. Drop hands.)
Men do a short cast to the left (partner chase) and return to place.
Cuckolds All A Row
When you have more than one set, have them set-up perpendicular to
each other (i.e. the open side of one set is next to one of the couples of
the adjacent set).
- A1
- Couples join inside hands, double forward (toward the other couple)
and back
- A2
- Repeat A1
- B1
- Facing your partner, double back, double forward, turn your corner
by the right hand (hands up).
- B2
- Face your corner, double back,
double forward, turn your partner by the left hand (hands up).
Please note, on the double back and forward, you are NOT taking inside
- A1
- Side right with your partner
- A2
- Side left with your corner
- B1
- Facing your partner, double back, double forward, turn your corner
by the right hand (hands up).
- B2
Face your corner, double back,
double forward, turn your partner by the left hand (hands up).
- A1
- Arm right with your partner
- A2
- Arm left with your corner
- B1
- Facing your partner, double back, double forward, turn your corner
by the right hand (hands up).
- B2
Face your corner, double back,
double forward, turn your partner by the left hand (hands up).
END Heart's Ease
2 Couple Set Dance
When you have more than one set, have them set-up perpendicular to each
other (i.e. the open side of one set is next to one of the couples of the
adjacent set).
- A1
- Take inside hands with partner, Double Forward, Double Back
- A2
- Double Forward, Double Back.
- B1
- Double Forward, drop hands, turn 90 degrees to face out from set, take
inside hands with corner. Double Forward, drop hands, turn inwards to
face back into the set, take inside hands with corner
- B2
- Double Forward again (back to set) drop hands, turn to face out from
the set, take inside hands with partner and do a SMALL Double Forward.
Drop hands, turn to face partner.
- C1
- Do 4 changes of a circular Hey with hands.
- A1
- Side right with partner.
- A2
- Side left with partner.
- B1
- Double Forward, drop hands, turn 90 degrees to face out from set, take
inside hands with corner. Double Forward, drop hands, turn inwards to
face back into the set, take inside hands with corner
- B2
- Double Forward again (back to set) drop hands, turn to face out from
the set, take inside hands with partner and do a SMALL Double Forward.
Drop hands, turn to face partner.
- C1
- Do 4 changes of a circular Hey with hands.
- A1
- Arm right with partner.
- A2
- Arm left with partner.
- B1
- Double Forward, drop hands, turn 90 degrees to face out from set, take
inside hands with corner. Double Forward, drop hands, turn inwards to
face back into the set, take inside hands with corner
- B2
- Double Forward again (back to set) drop hands, turn to face out from
the set, take inside hands with partner and do a SMALL Double Forward.
Drop hands, turn to face partner.
- C1
- Do 4 changes of a circular Hey with hands.
End Hit and Miss
- A
- with partner in a double, slip left a double, back a double,slip right
a double (making a box and ending up where you started)
- B1
- men rise to each other, women same, 4 rises (convention is to
corner, then opposite, then partner, then corner), 2 hand turn corner
- B2
- women rise to each other, men same, 4 rises (convention is to
corner, then opposite, then partner, then corner), 2 hand turn corner
- A
- in a double, out a double with corner, switch hands and in a double,
back a double with partner
- B1
- men touch right hands and pull past each other with the left hand and
turn corner with right, pull back across set with left and turn partner
with right
- B2
- women touch left hands and pull past each other with the right hand
and turn corner with left, pull back across set with right and turn partner
with left
- A
- 2 hands in with partner, switch to corner and 2 hands out and in, 2
hands back to place with partner
- B1
- right turn with partner until men are in middle, let go and do 4
person hey until all are on other side and turn partner with right
- B2
- left turn with partner until women are in middle, let go and do 4
person hey until all are on own side and turn partner with left
End Parson's Farewell
2 Couple Set Dance
When you have more than one set, have them set-up perpendicular to each
other (i.e. the open side of one set is next to one of the couples of the
adjacent set).
- A1
- Take inside hands with partner, Double Forward, Double Back
- A2
- Double Forward, Double Back, turn to face partner.
- B1
- Set and Turn
- B2
- Set and Turn.
- C1
- Take right hands with partner facing away from set, lead out a double,
turn to face into the set, lead back a double, cast away from partner
1 1/4 turns to face away from set.
- C2
- Take left hands with corner facing away from set, lead out a double,
turn to face into the set, lead back a double, cast away from corner
1 1/4 turns to face partner again.
- A1
- Side right with partner.
- A2
- Side left with partner.
- B1
- Set and Turn
- B2
- Set and Turn.
- C
- Take right hands with partner facing away from set, lead out a double,
turn to face into the set, lead back a double, cast away from partner
1 1/4 turns to face away from set.
- C2
- Take left hands with corner facing away from set, lead out a double,
turn to face into the set, lead back a double, cast away from corner
1 1/4 turns to face partner again.
- A1
- Arm right with partner.
- A2
- Arm left with partner.
- B1
- Set and Turn
- B2
- Set and Turn.
- C1
- Take right hands with partner facing away from set, lead out a double,
turn to face into the set, lead back a double, cast away from partner
1 1/4 turns to face away from set.
- C2
- Take left hands with corner facing away from set, lead out a double,
turn to face into the set, lead back a double, cast away from corner
1 1/4 turns to face partner again.
End Rufty Tufty
2 Couple Set Dance
Appoint a Couple1 ('Fred') and a Couple2 ('Non-Fred') in each set; at the
end of the dance both couples will open out in a line facing toward the
Couple1's right. This dance does NOT follow the standard Playford pattern
(although it is Playford) and is difficult to learn.
- A1
- Take inside hands with partner, Double Forward, two Slip Steps left,
2two Slip Steps right. Drop hands with your partner, turn single-out (men
counter-clockwise, women clockwise) and back (reverse).
- A2
- Take inside hands with partner. Single Back, Single Forward. Drop
hands, pass your corner on the right, face your partner and pass on the
right, end facing into the set. All Turn Single.
- B1
- Women Turn Single while men Double Back on their diagonal, come
skipping forward, they turn by the left (3/4) and then turn their corner 1
1/2 by the right (continue skipping through the turns).
- B2
- Men Turn Single while women Double Back on their diagonal, come
skipping forward, they turn by the left (3/4) then turn their partner 1
1/2 by the right returning to place (continue skipping through the turns).
- A1
- Take inside hands with partner. Single Back, Single Forward, pass
through the set. Set and Turn to partner.
- A2
- Take inside hands with partner (improper). Single Back, Single
Forward, pass through the set. Set and Turn to partner.
- B1
- Men step into the center and make a small reverance, women step into
the center and make a small reverance. Take hands four and circle
clockwise 1/2 way around the set. All Turn Single (traveling out enough
to allow space for the next figure).
- B2
- Women step into the center and make a small reverance, men step into
the center and make a small reverance. Take hands four and circle
clockwise 1/2 way around the set. All Turn Single.
- A1
- Take inside hands with partner, Double Forward. Take both hands with
corner and single Slip Step out, single Slip Step in. Drop hands. Men
will Cast away from the set, walk through the woman's spot and return
home. Women will follow (chase) their partner around and return to place.
- A2
- Take inside hands with partner, Double Back. While still facing the
opposite couple, switch places (woman in front). Men start the Double
Forward (moving slightly left) and Double Back (moving more left) so that
they pass behind each other), while women Double Forward (moving slightly
right) and Double Back (moving more right) so that they pass behind each
other. (This figure is basically a do-si-do or a back-to-back except you
are switching places with your partner, ending back home).
- B1
- Men step into the center of the dance, reverence. Women step into the
center, reverence. All form a right-hand star and go all the way around
(not much time) and come out far enough to allow the next figure.
- B2
- Women step into the center, reverence. Men step into the center,
reverence. Form a left-hand Star. Woman2 (Non-Fred) almost immediately
lets go of the star and leads out into a line facing the audience (Man1
aka 'Fred' will be on the left hand side of the line).
End Saint Martin's
This page written and maintained by Eowyn, questions/comments can be
emailed to thrirvenstrifoetr (AT) gmail [DOT] com -- address is set up in
an attempt to slow the influx of spam/viruses to my account.