Four Couple Set Dances

In all of these dances (unless marked otherwise), the man will be standing to the left of the woman. The man will offer his right hand palm up to the women, generally aim to have the hands be at the level of the woman's waist. For a more thorough explanation on the basic steps, see Basic Figures.

Fain I Would

4 Couple Square Set (Improper). Note head couple is split by the line of the set.

The term "Switch" when used in this dance is:
   Two-hand turn with corner (1/2 turn)
   Two-hand turn with person across the set (1/2 turn).

Facing out, take inside hands with partner, double forward (out), drop hands, face in, take inside hands and double forward.. Switch
Facing out, take inside hands with new partner, double forward (out), drop hands, face in, take inside hands and double forward. Switch (will return to original place)

Form line across the set (head couple in middle), join hands in lines. Double back, double forward. Head couple arms right across the set, fall into side position while sides arm with opposite behind heads an fall into head spot.
Form line across the set (side couple in middle in head spot), join hands in line, double back, double forward. New heads arm right across the set, fall into original position while new sides arm behind them and fall into original spot.

Side R with partner. Switch
Side L with new partner. Switch

Heads cast and get chased by corners back to place. Take hands four (at head and foot) and circle 1 time.
Sides cast and get chased by corner back to place. Take hands four (along the sides) and circle 1 time.

Arm R with partner, switch.
Arm L with new partner, switch.

Heads step into center, face out, sides take hands four and circle 3/4 way around (fall into heads position). Heads fall out into sides position.
New heads step into center, face out, sides take hands four and circle 3/4 way around (fall into original position). New heads fall out into original position.

End Fain I Would


Four couples in a line.

Couples join inside hands and face up the hall.

Double forward, Double back.
Double forward, Double back.

This is the chorus figure and will be noted as
    Chorus for the rest of the dance

Couple 1 does a palm-to-palm cast down to the foot, rest of the couples follow
As you meet your partner at the foot, do a quick palm-to-palm
Cast up and into place (4th couple doesn't have to move very far)

Men join hands in a line (facing women) and slip step up the hall then behind the women
Men slip step up the hall and back to place


Women join hands in a line (facing men) and slip step up the hall then behind the men
Women slip step up the hall and back to place


Men join hands in a line (facing women) and slip step up the hall then behind the women
Men continue to slip step around the women and back to place


Women join hands in a line (facing men) and slip step up the hall then behind the men
Women continue to slip step behind the men and back to place


Men join hands in a circle and slip-step to the left.
Men slip-step to the right back to place


Women join hands in a circle and slip-step to the left.
Women slip-step to the right back to place


All join hands in a circle and slip-step to the left
All slip-step to the right back to place.


A1 and A2
Men do a 4 person hey in a line (Man1 and Man3 face down the set, Man2 and Man4 face up the set, all start by passing by the right (Man1/Man2, Man3/Man4). You should be able to finish half the hey at the end of the A1 phrase.


A1 and A2
Women do a 4 person hey in a line (Woman1 and Woman3 face down the set, Woman2 and Woman4 face up the set, all start by passing by the right (Womna1/Woman2, Woman3/Woman4). You should be able to finish half the hey at the end of the A1 phrase.


A1 and A2
All Hey. Couples 1 and 4 face each other. Man2 and Man3 face each other, Woman2 and Woman3 face each other. All start by passing by the right. As with the gender heys, you should be halfway through the hey at the end of the A1 phrase.


End Goddesses

Hyde Park

4 Couple Set in a Square
Designate 2 facing couples as Heads and the other 2 couples as Sides.

Take inside hands with partner. Heads Double Forward, Double Back.
Sides Double Forward, Double Back. All drop hands, turn to face partner.

Heads Single Back, Single Forward, join both hands with partner, 4 Slip Steps into the center of the set, drop hands with partner, turn to face opposite. Join both hands with opposite, 4 Slip Steps out between Sides, Cast back to place. Sides step back when Heads join hands with opposites, and step forward to place when Heads cast.
Sides Single Back, Single Forward, join both hands with partner, slip step into the center of the set, drop hands with partner, turn to face opposite. Join both hands with opposite, slip step out between Heads, cast back to place. Heads step back when Sides join hands with opposites and step forward to place when Sides cast.

Take inside hands with partner. Heads Double Forward, Double Back.
Sides Double Forward, Double Back. All drop hands, turn to face partner.

Sides 2-hand turn with partner (1/2 turn) and form arch (make the forming of the arch fairly definitive). As they form the arch, Heads pass partner by the right, continue around the set to meet opposite just outside the Side position, take inside hands, Double Forward (into center of the set), form a brief hands four, and Double Back to place with partner. Sides drop the arch when Heads form the hands four.
Heads 2-hand turn with partner (1/2 turn) and form arch (make the forming of the arch fairly definitive). As they form the arch, Sides pass partner by the right, continue around the set to meet opposite just outside the Head position, take inside hands, Double Forward (into center of the set), form a brief hands four, and Double Back to place with partner. Heads drop the arch when Sides form the hands four.

Take inside hands with partner. Heads Double Forward, Double Back.
Sides Double Forward, Double Back. All drop hands.

Men do a circular Hey (counter-clockwise) around the Women, passing in front of their partner, behind the next woman, in front of the opposite woman, and behind the last woman, ending back in place.
Women do a circular Hey (clockwise) around the Men, passing in front of their partner, behind the next man, in front of the opposite man, and behind the last man, ending back in place.

End Hyde Park


Four couples, in a square. Assign 2 couples facing each other to be Trees (heads) and the other 2 couples facing each other as Non-Trees (Sides). The Tree and Non-Tree designation arose when the troupe first learned the dance next to a large tree.

Couples join inside hands and face across the set.
Double forward (don't go in past corner)
Double back, drop hands
Set to partner, turn towards the inside of the set and Set to corner.
Couples join inside hands and face across the set.
Double forward (don't go in past corner)
Double back, drop hands
Set to partner, turn towards the inside of the set and Set to corner.

Couples Arm Right
Men to into the center of the set, form a left-hand-star, THEN walk 1/2 way around the set and come out to meet partner.
Women walk 1/2 of the way around the set clockwise to meet partner.

Couples Arm Left
Women into the center of the set, form a right-hand-star, THEN walk 1/2 way around the set and come out to meet partner.
Men walk 1/2 of the way around the set counter-clockwise to meet partner.

Side Right shoulders with partner (and fall back)
Side Left shoulder but don't fall back, pause and do a SMALL double forward to meet a new partner

Side Right with the new partner (and fall back)
Side Left with the new partner but don't fall back, pause, and double forward to meet another new partner.
(As you meet, all join inside hands with current partner and face across the set.)

People who started as Non-Tree (and are now in the Tree position), turning towards current partner cast out and return to BEHIND where they began the dance, meet and take inside hands with original partner, go through the arch, meet the other Non-Tree couple, briefly form a hands-4 square, drop hands with original partner, double back to place with current partner.
People who started as Tree (and are now in the Non-Tree position), keeping hands with current partner, double into the set, double back out, at the musical cue (8 beats into the B phrase), take one step away from the partner and form an arch for the other couple to duck under, after they have passed drop the arch at the some time as the opposite couple.

B2 - (same figure, with head & sides swapped.)
People who started as Tree (and are now in the Non-Tree position), turning towards current partner cast out and return to BEHIND where they began the dance, meet and take inside hands with original partner, go through the arch, meet the other Non-Tree couple, briefly form a hands-4 square, drop hands with original partner, double back to place with current partner.
People who started as Non-Tree (and are now in the Tree position), keeping hands with current partner, double into the set, double back out, at the musical cue (8 beats into the B phrase), take one step away from the partner and form an arch for the other couple to duck under, after they have passed drop the arch at the same time as the opposite couple.

All turn to face current partner. Arm Right once around, Arm Left 1 1/2 times around (ending in the other person's place, but facing AWAY from them.) and progress to the next person (original corner) while moving slightly toward the middle of the set.
Arm Right once with this person, Arm Left 1 1/2 times, Women will do an extra partial turn so that they will be facing in towards the set. Join hands in groups of four to form two facing parallel lines running across the set in the tree position. (While arming, try to move toward the center of the set so that the lines form very close together.)

In the lines, double back, double forward, drop hands, turn single over the left shoulder. Pass the facing person by the right shoulder. People who were in the middle of the first lines go straight forward to form the ends of the new lines which are perpendicular to the original lines and face into the set, people who were on the ends of the first lines, cross and immediately turn to face into the set and step forward to become the middle of the new lines.
Join hands in the new lines, double back, double forward, turn single over the left shoulder. Pass the facing person by the right shoulder, join right hand with original partner while returning to place and reverence partner.
END Newcastle


4 Couple Longways Set
Another non-standard Playford dance. This one is much easier if you have a strong drum. Couple1 and Woman4 are the key positions to getting through this dance cleanly.

Take inside hands with partner, Double Forward, Double Back
Double Forward, Double Back
Set and Turn
Set and Turn

Couple1 progresses down the set (see * for a thorough description of the progress).

Couple1 progresses down the set.

Couple1 and Couple2 progress down the set.

Couple2 progresses down the set.

Couple3 progresses down the set. Note: At the end of this figure, the couples will be in reverse order in the line (i.e. Couple1 will be in Couple4 position, Couple2 in Couple3, etc.)

B1 (music changes in tempo and key)
Side right with partner
Side left with partner
Set and Turn
Set and Turn

Each person in turn jumps into the center of the set (Man1, Woman1, Man2, Woman2, Man3, Woman3, Man4, Woman4) forming 1 line, Men face down the set, Woman face up (and their partner).

Arm right with partner
Arm left with partner.
All do 4 Slip Steps left
4 Slip Steps right. Pause in line. All do 4 Slip Steps right
4 Slip Steps left. End in line

Each person jumps out of the center of the set to the opposite side (improper) starting with Man1.
Hey with hands back to place (starting with Couple1 right hands).

* the progress down the dance Couple hops into the center of the set, joins both hands, Double Bransle down the center past the next couple, drops hands, turn away from each other to face the next couple on the diagonal. Take hands with that person (stationary person offers hands palm up). Double Out, Double In, drop outside hands and turn into the set on beat 3 to face across the set. Keeping inside hands, Double Back, Double Forward, 2-hand turn with your partner.

End Nonesuch

Oranges and Lemons

Four couples, in a square. Assign 2 couples facing each other to be Heads (and the other 2 couples facing each other as Sides.

Couples join inside hands and face across the set.

Double forward. (Don't go in past corner.) Double back.
Double forward. (Don't go in past corner.) Double back, drop hands.

Reverence your partner, reverence your corner.
Men step into the center, take hands-4 and circle 1/2 way around the set clockwise. Current partners reverance, current corners reverance.
Women step into the center, take hands-4 and circle 1/2 way around the set clockwise.
Reverence your partner, reverence your corner.
Men take hands-4 and circle 1/2 way around the set counter-clockwise.
Current partners reverance, current corners reverance. Women take hands-4 and circle 1/2 way around the set counter-clockwise.

Side right with your partner.
Side left with your partner.

Join right hands with partner, step right, short reverence. Join left hands with partner, step left, short reverence. Join right hands with partner and lead into 2 changes of a circular hey with hands.
Join right hands with new partner, step right, short reverence. Join left hands with current partner, step left, short reverence. Join right hands with current partner and lead into 2 changes of a circular hey with hands.
Join right hands with next partner, step right, short reverence. Join left hands with current partner, step left, short reverence. Join right hands with current partner and lead into 2 changes of a circular hey with hands.
Join right hands with next partner, step right, short reverence. Join left hands with partner, step left, short reverence. Join right hands with partner and lead into 2 changes of a circular hey with hands.

Couples Arm Right.
Couples Arm Left.
As the "Arm Left" ends, unfold into lines of four, diagonally across the set head couples facing the side couple to their left. Head Man and Side Woman will always be on the ends of the lines.

Reverence the person you are facing, reverence your partner. Take hands four with your partner and the couple you are facing, circle clockwise 1/2 way around. Head men drop left hand from side woman's right hand. Circle of four unfolds into a new diagonal line of four perpendicular to the previous one.
Reverence the person you are facing, reverence your partner. Take hands four with your partner and the couple you are facing, circle clockwise 1/2 way around. Head men drop left hand from side woman's right hand. Circle of four unfolds into a new diagonal line of four perpendicular to the previous one.<
Reverence the person you are facing, reverence your partner. Take hands four with your partner and the couple you are facing, circle clockwise 1/2 way around. Head men drop left hand from side woman's right hand. Circle of four unfolds into a new diagonal line of four perpendicular to the previous one.
Reverence the person you are facing, reverence your partner. Take hands four with your partner and the couple you are facing, circle clockwise 1/2 way around back to original place.

End Oranges and Lemons

This page written and maintained by Eowyn, questions/comments can be emailed to thrirvenstrifoetr (AT) gmail [DOT] com -- address is set up in an attempt to slow the influx of spam/viruses to my account.