Animal Science
College Park Scholars-
Science and Global Change Program

Welcome. My name is Eni and I am an Animal Science major at University of Maryland - College Park. I am a part of the Class of 2028 and I am on a pre-professional track.
This is my first year being a part of the Science and Global Change Scholars Program (SGC), but it has been a blast so far. I have gained the oppurtunity to learn many interesting new skills and concepts. Currently, I am a member of three clubs on campus. They include: the African Student Association (ASA); Bethel Campus Fellowship (BCF); and Black and Latinx in STEM (BLIS). Being a Terp has been a wonderful experience and it has only just begun! Over the next four years, I hope to make a positive impact on campus through various volunteer work and encouraging my peers to do the same. My goal today is to share with you what amazing oppurtunities I have been presented with as a Terp and a SGC Scholar!
SGC Gallery and On-Line Projects:
- Smithsonian Excursion
- Expectations vs Reality Essay
- Activity three - coming soon
External Links:
Something you link to. You need at least one original working link other than the ones already listed.