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The gloopish egg is larger than a chicken egg and, I think, tastier. Collecting them involves a lot of tromping around in thick wet greenery and peering into nests. It is much like Easter. If an adult should be on a nest, they do tend to do a little less of the old 'sprinkling off the slopes like sand off a Saharan dune' and a little more squatting, puffing, hissing and putrid plankton regurgitation. This is generally unlike Easter.

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We collected and stored over a hundred eggs in a week and a half long period before little veinous zygotes starting appearing inside of them. They assumed an ever more important part of our diet the closer our time came to an end. By the last few days I was living almost exclusively off of gloopish eggs and sweetened condensed milk.

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This particular egg is the absolutely highest on the entire island, and therefore an invitation to visit the tippytop

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(deep eye, fancy beak)

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