Curriculum Based Measurement for Early Literacy

Administration Directions for Letter Sounds Test

Examiner Materials
Student Materials
Development & Bibliography



1. Record the participant information on the score sheet (name, ID#, school, teacher, date, etc...)

2. Place the practice list in front of the student.

3. Read aloud the directions.

Letter sound List 1:

Say to the Student:

I want you to tell me the sounds for these letters (show practice page and run finger down each column). For example, this says /s/, this says /b/, this says /a/ (point to each letter). Start when I say, "begin". If you have trouble with a sound, I'll tell it to you. You will have one minute.

Do you have any questions? Do your best. (Turn the page to the letters list). Put your finger on the first letter. Begin.

4. Start timing the one-minute time period when the student begins saying sounds

5. If the child is struggling with a sound for more than 3 seconds, tell him/her the sound. Mark the letter as incorrect. You may say, "Sound" if the child is responding with the letter's name).

6. If a student comes to the end of a list before the time is up, point to the beginning of the letter list and say to the student, "Begin again."

7. After one minute, say "stop" and place a line (____) under the last sound attempted. Then say to the student, "Thank you for doing the sounds with me."


Letter sound list 2:

Say to the student:

Now I would like you to tell me the sounds for letters that are in a different order. Ready? (wait for the child's attention). Put your finger on the first letter. Begin.

When the child finishes, say, "thank you for doing the sounds with me."


1. Follow along on the EXAMINER'S COPY of the list drawing a line through incorrect responses.

2. Count the total number of letters the student attempted and the number of total errors. Record these on the EXAMINER'S COPY for each list.

3. Subtract the number of total errors from the number of letters attempted and record the number of letters sounded correctly.

See Scoring procedures for more detailed information regarding scoring the test.

Compiled by Project AIM Staff, University of Maryland, 1999-2000