Curriculum Based Measurement for Early Literacy

Oral Reading Fluency Administration Directions

Examiner Materials
Student Materials
Development & Bibliography



1. Record the participant information on the score sheet (name, ID#, school, teacher, date, etc...)

2. Place the reading passage in front of the student so that they can see the story.

3. Read aloud the directions that correspond to the passage the student is to read:

Passage 1:

Say to the Student:

You are going to read this story titled () out loud. This story is about... (Turn the reading passage over, face down).

Try to read each word. You can use your finger to keep your place. If you come to a word you don't know, I'll tell it to you. You will read for one minute. Be sure to do your best reading. Are there any questions? (Turn the passage right-side up). Put your finger on the first word. Begin.

4. Start timing the one-minute time period when the student begins reading.

5. If a student comes to the end of the passage before the time is up, point to the beginning of the passage and say to the student, "Begin again."

7. After one minute, say "stop" and place a bracket ( ] ) next to the last word read. Then say to the student, "Thank you for reading."

Passage 2:

Say to the student:

Now you are going to read a different story titled () out loud. This story is about ...

Ready? (Wait for the child's attention then show them the next passage). Put your finger on the first word. Begin.

When the child finishes, say, "thank you for reading."


1. Follow along on the EXAMINER'S COPY of the of the passage marking the words that are read incorrectly. Use the symbols shown at the top of the EXAMINER'S COPY to record mispronunciations, substitutions, omissions, and reversals. Write what the child said above each error.

2. Count the total number of words the student attempted and the number of total errors. Record these on the EXAMINER'S COPY for each passage.

3. Subtract the number of total errors from the number of words attempted and record the number of words read correctly.

See Scoring Procedures for more detailed information on scoring.

Compiled by Project AIM Staff, University of Maryland, 1999-2000