PUAF 790: International
Development Project Course
Section 501
Julio Guzman
Inter-American Development Bank,
Washington, DC
November 11, 2008
- Professor Guzman will be holding an
informational meeting to discuss the 2009 Spring IDEV Project Course (PUAF
790 Section 501) on Friday, December 5th from 12:15-1:30pm in VMH
- All students taking the project course
next Spring as well as those interested in learning more about the
IDEV project course are strongly encouraged to attend. During the
meeting Professor Guzman will review the course syllabus and a current
student will share her current project with the group.
- Students taking the IDEV Project Course
in the Spring should also be prepared to share with the group (about 1
minute) their preliminary thoughts on a project topic. For reference,
please see below two samples of successful project papers from Spring
- Sample
1 (Jonathan Loritz)
- Sample
2 (Erin Hannon)