We did a metro scavenger hunt with a small group in the beginning of first semester. We got to travel to dc on the metro and go into museums looking for items to take pictures with. It was really great for meeting people in my scholars program and getting to explore the area.
Here is a picture of me and some of my group members in the Museum of Natural History posing in front of an extinct insect and a picture of my group members with our coffee in front of a cool statue by the national mall.
In December, we did a day trip to New York City to visit the American Museum of Natural History. It was a really long but really fun day.
Here is a picture of the classic dinosaur that I was excited to see so I could reference The Night at the Museum. Here is also a picture of me and a whale hanging from the wall at one of the exhibits.
In Spring semester, I went to the zoo with SGC for my excursion of the semester. I haven't been to the zoo since I was little, so this was really fun.
Here is a picture of the panda we saw and a picture of me and my SGC friends posing as meerkats. We were a little too big for the cutouts.