Radical Code T Sim Trad Pinyin UniC r Meaning On JN Ann
inch       cun4 5BF8 4 inch sun 909 4030
inch 132     nai4 8010 4 be able to bear, endure tai 1542 1420
inch 311 M 寿 shou4 5BFF 4 longevity; life, age; birthday; sn ju 1351 5064
inch 314     duo2 593A 3 take by force; strive for; decide; deprive; omission   4034
inch 325     she4 5C04 2 shoot, send out; allude to sha 882 2420
inch 344 M   jue2 7235 4 nobility, peerage; ancient wine vessel shaku 1344 2074
inch 431     zun1 5C0A 4 senior; venerate; respected son 927 8034
inch 454 T dao3 5BFC 1 lead, guide, direct; transmit; instruct dou 759 7734
inch 51151 xun2 5BFB 3 ancient measure (c. 8 feet); look for, search, seek jin 1451 1734
inch 531     wei4 5C09 7 a junior officer; sn i 1004 7420
inch 54   dui4 5BF9 1 correct, right tsui 336 7440
inch 561 S dao3 5BFC 1 lead, guide, direct; transmit; instruct dou 759 7734
inch 707 T zhuan1 4E13 1 special; attentive fu 575 5030
inch 717     feng1 5C01 3 seal, envelope; confer; feudalism hou 1762 4010