Mechanical Engineering
College Park Scholars-Science and Global Change Program

Hello! My name is Bertrand Zhu and I am a mechanical engineer in the class of 2025. I was born in Chicago, Illinois but moved to Potomac, Maryland when I was 8 years old. I went to Winston Churchill High school and there, I discovered my love for mathematics and my aptitude in Physics. After graduating, I enrolled in the University of Maryland and joined the Scholars Program. I hope that I leave the scholars program with a better understanding on how the world works and how I can help solve some of the world's many problems. This is why I chose Mechanical Engineering as my major as I hope to engineer or build solutions to some problems that the world has. University life for me so far has been a lot of fun and I have learned many things about myself, school subjects, and the world in my short time here.
SGC Gallery and On-Line Projects:
- Gallery images for SGC event
- Bertrand Zhu's "Expectations vs. Reality" Reflection Essay
- Bertrand Zhu's “Freshman Time Capusle” Reflection Essay
- Bertrand Zhu's Testimonial Video
- Bertrand Zhu's "Reflection" Essay
External Links:
UMD Department of Mechanical Engineering