¿Qué necesito estudiar para el examen?

For practice exercises, go to http://www.erols.com/jbrennan/espanol1.htm

[Go to Grammar Topics]  [Go to Vocabulary Topics]


•   Identify and locate Spanish speaking countries and their capitals.
•  Greet others, say goodbye, ask for and give names.  Express courtesy, and ask for and express opinions.
•  Respond to and give simple commands.
•  Identify classroom objects.
•  Spell name & basic vocabulary.  Use numbers to give ages, phone numbers and dates in Spanish.
•  Use Spanish days, months and dates to state birthdays and holidays.
•  Use time expressions in a variety of situations.
•  Describe self and others.
•  Describe weather conditions, including temperature.
•  Use descriptions of weekend activities in a variety of possible combinations.
•  Express preferred ways of spending leisure time.
•  Use present tense regular verbs to describe daily routines at home and at school.
•  Ask and answer questions about daily routine.
•  Identify family members orally.
•  Describe self and others orally and on writing.
•  Use the correct form of the verb "ser" to describe physical features of family, friends, and self.
•  Obtain information about family and friends using correctly:
          -  Interrogatives and si/no
          -  vocabulary
          -  "tener" with age
          -  correct forms of "ser" and "estar"


•  Correctly use the irregular verbs SER, ESTAR, TENER, IR
•  Express future plans using the formula of IR + A + INFINITIVE
•  Present tense of regular -AR, -ER, -IR verbs
•  Possessive adjectives (mi/mis, tu/tus, su/sus, nuestro/a - nuestros/as)
•  Adjective agreement - number/gender
•  Contractions a+el=AL and de+el=DEL
•  Definite & Indefinite articles  (el/la, los/las) (un/a, unos/as)
•  Subject pronouns (yo, tú, él, ella, Ud., nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas, Uds.)


•  Question words
•  Alphabet
•  numbers 1-1000
•  Days of the week, months, dates
•  Time vocabulary
•  Weather / Seasons
•  Places
•  Family members
•  Animals
•  Descriptive adjectives (tall/short, etc.)
•  Colors
•  Regular action verbs
•  Classroom objects

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