Bryce Middleton's "Expectations vs. Reality" Reflection Essay

When I was in high school, I never knew I would be taking all of my classes online in college. After switching to online for the last part of my senior year, I thought online college would be relatively easy. I was not expecting my classes to be as demanding as they were, but at the same time I went in thinking anything could happen since it was college. For my classes, I pretty much expected the way they gave out work to be how it was. They just assign us things on elms that we have to turn in before the due date. Two out of five of the classes I took were particularly more challenging than the rest. They were above my level and as the year went on they got more and more difficult. The other three classes were not as challenging, but they still kept me really busy over the entire semester. Overall the workload felt like a lot, and what made it more difficult to complete was having track practice most days of the week, and zoom meetings I had to attend for athletes. I had a lot less time to complete my work, so I tried to manage my time well for my classes.

In CPSG100 there were a few things that we learned that I did not expect to learn about. The first is that I was expecting us to learn about pseudoscience and other theories and principle behind science as much as we did. Secondly, I didn't expect to learn about the nature of arguments and other things like ad hominem, no true scotsman, and correlation vs causation. Some interesting things we learned about were the false memories, how science fiction has an effect on what people really believe, how being under authority can make people do things they wouldn't do if a random person told them to do it, and conspiracy theories. Although we did talk about climate change, I was expecting us to talk a lot more about the science behind it and analyze climate change a lot more than we did. I feel like over the semesters we will get more into it, but this beginning semester was more just about learning the concepts behind science and global change. As for the out of classroom activities and field trips, I did not really get to attend these as I was always busy with school work and track, but in the future I will definitely make a better effort to try out different things. In the near future, I want to be able to go on the nice trips that we were told about, which is what helps make this program more special.

Being an athlete at UMD, it was essential that I lived on campus. If not I probably would have stayed home for the semester since it was online. I lived in another hall in South Campus with some of my teammates, while most of the other people in scholars lived in Centerville. Because of this I haven't made many friends in the scholars program yet, but I plan on making friends when we have in-person class and events. Obviously, my predictions for a normal semester in college haven't been tested yet. I was expecting it to be a lot more social and fun. I wanted to go to events with friends and hang out with my teammates a lot more. I still think when we have a normal year in college my predictions for what it will be like will be pretty accurate. Due to covid it's been really boring as most of the time my teammates and I are just sitting in our rooms and occasionally talking and watching tv in our dorm. But for me personally I felt like I wasn't able to do anything because I was always in my room doing work, day and night. What I was told is that there is a lot of free time in college, and I still think that's true, it's just that I had to spend my free time doing work. Coming from high school the school day definitely is shorter though, and you depend on yourself a lot more than if you were at home. You have to handle your own food, clothes, time, and shopping.

Some advice I would give to future SGC students is to make sure you don't fall behind, but try not to stress yourself out at the same time. When you fall behind it can be very hard to come back, considering the work just keeps on stacking most of the time. I'm not sure what college is going to be like in the future, so I'll just say to try to enjoy college, and take it slow, but be on top of your work. A lot of people told me that I don't need to rush my classes, credits, or life in general. If you don't stress yourself out it will be a lot more enjoyable.

Last modified: 13 December 2020