Research Interests
- System Modeling, Design and Synthesis for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Wireless Networking Systems
- Model-based System Engineering
- Baobing Wang and Xiaohua Jia. “Reduce Data Aggregation Latency by Using Partially Overlapped Channels in Wireless Sensor Networks”. GlobeCom 2009, Hawaii, USA.
- Jun Zhang, Baobing Wang and Xiaohua Jia. “Relative-Closest Connect-First Method for Topology Control in Wireless Mesh Networks”. GlobeCom 2009, Hawaii, USA
- Deying Li, Baobing Wang and Xiaohua Jia. “Topology Control for Throughput Optimization in Wireless Mesh Networks”. The 4th International Conf. on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN 2008), Wuhan, China
- Huawei Research USA (Innovation Center), Santa Clara, CA, June 7, 2010 -- August 27, 2010.
Contact Information
Office Address:
AVW 2248
A.V. Williams Building 115
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742
Phone: 301-405-9926
Email: - Please remove "nospam." from email address
Personal Webpage: None