What Do We Offer?
Students interested in working with me or in any of the affiliated labs are encouraged apply. All you need to do is to either contact me or any of the faculty members. A few areas of interest are
Learning Experience (Undergraduates and Graduates)
HyNet offers student internships in which students have the opportunity to participate in research being conducted by leading companies such as:
- Hughes Network Systems/Hughes Research Labs
- Telcordia (formerly known as Bellcore)
- Lockheed Martin Global Telecommunica¬tions
- Lucent Technologies
In addition, students receive assistance with their resumes and job search/placement
Career Opportunities
Students will receive coordinated and focused exposure within:
- Academia
- Government Agencies
- Industry
Student Participation in Domestic and International Conferences
- Workshops
- Seminars
- Hosting Outstanding Scientists and Engineers
- Direct Contact with Colloquium Speakers
- Round Table Discussions with Experts in Specialized Fields
- Industry Advisory Board Meetings
Resources (Undergraduates and Graduates)
- Hybrid Networks Laboratory (HNL)
- Systems Engineering and Integration Laboratory (SEIL)
- HyNet Library
- Journals
- Textbooks
- Magazines and Newspapers
- Student Media Center and Electronic Training
- Immediate Access to Electronic Technical Reports
- Access to TeleManagement Forum Reference Materials
- Access to ATM Forum Reference Materials
- Access to Various Conference Proceedings
- Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Financial assistance
Graduate Financial Opportunities
Graduate Research Assistantships (GRAs)
There are graduate research assistantships available through HyNet-affiliated faculty members.
- Fellowships
- ISR Industrial Fellowships in Telecommunications
- University of Maryland Graduate School Fellowships
Fellowships allow students to participate in state-of-the-art research projects and collabo¬ration with leading industrial and government research laboratories such as: NSF, DOD, NASA, TRW, Hughes. Fellows are exempt from tuition fees and receive health benefits and a generous stipend.
Undergraduate Opportunities
Undergraduate Research Assistant Program (URAP) : Undergraduates have research opportunities to work directly with faculty on various projects. For more details please visit
Other Financial Assistance
- Health
- Dental
- Vision