Computer Science
College Park Scholars-Science and Global Change Program

This is me by btw.
I am Andrew and I am a freshman studying Computer Science at the University of Maryland.
I am Andrew and I am from Northern Virginia. I am majoring in Computer Science and I hope to use my degree to pursue a career as a Software Developer. I am most excited to take the upper level CS courses in Web design, App design, and Cybersecurity. I am excited to be a part of the Scholars program and to have the opportunity to meet and learn from other students from diverse backgrounds. I am also looking forward to exploring all that the University has to offer, from the many clubs and organizations to the exciting sports. I have joined University of Maryland's Esports Valorant team so that has partly been how I spend my time. I have also been going to Eppley Recreation Center often. Ultimately, I hope to use my time at University to grow and develop as a person and to prepare for a successful career.
SGC Gallery and On-Line Projects:
- Gallery images for SGC event
- Expectations vs Reality Essay
- Activity three - coming soon
External Links: