/* * ========================================================================== * TestIOReadFromURL.java : This Java 2 program reads a stream of numbers * from a file located at a URL... * * Written By: Mark Austin February, 2006 * ========================================================================== */ import java.lang.Math; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.text.*; public class TestIOReadFromURL { public void readDataFile( URL url ) throws IOException { int iNoDataItems = 0; String sName = null; String sLine; // Open input stream from the URL ... InputStream inStream = url.openStream(); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( inStream ) ); // Read data from data.txt.... try { // Get no of lines in input file .... sLine = in.readLine(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(sLine); if ( st.hasMoreTokens() == true ) iNoDataItems = Integer.parseInt( st.nextToken() ); else System.out.println("*** ERROR in input file "); for ( int i = 1; i <= iNoDataItems; i = i + 1 ) { // Read name of item .... sLine = in.readLine(); StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer( sLine ); if ( st1.hasMoreTokens() == true ) { sName = st1.nextToken(); } // Read (x,y) coordinates of each node .... double dX1 = Double.parseDouble( st1.nextToken() ); double dY1 = Double.parseDouble( st1.nextToken() ); // Read data point status .... boolean bActivePoint; if ( st1.nextToken().equals("false") == true ) bActivePoint = false; else bActivePoint = true; // Echo output .... System.out.print("Name( " + sName + " ):"); System.out.print("(x,y) =" + "(" + dX1 + "," + dY1 + "): "); System.out.println("Pole Status = " + bActivePoint ); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e){} catch (EOFException e){} /// Close input file in.close(); } // Exercise methods in TestIOFile() .... public static void main( String args[] ) throws IOException { URL url = null; // Create object for test IO program.... TestIOReadFromURL turl = new TestIOReadFromURL(); // Get URL for web address.... try { url = new URL("http://www.isr.umd.edu/~austin/ence200.d/data.d/data.txt"); } catch ( MalformedURLException e) {} // Read content from data.txt .... turl.readDataFile( url ); } }