My name is Peggy Cunningham, and I am currently a
at the University of Maryland, studying at the College of
and Information Services.
So, what am I going to do with an MLS? Well, I am still in the investigating stages of that question. There are a lot more opportunities out there for MLS'ers than most people think. Last September, I went on a tour of the library system at NPR (National Public Radio) and was amazed at the vast array of information a news agency must have at its fingertips! So I have decided (at least for now...) that I want to go into News Librarianship! That is of course until I recently went on a tour of the Senate Library. Now I want to work for Congressional Research Services! Ahhh well, better to have too many options than not enough, right? I am also a member of The American Library Association.
As this page's title indicates, I am also an avid sailor! My dad has been into sailing since I was a kid, and they now own a 33 foot Hunter named Shannon (after the dog, a yellow lab who LOVED the water!). I got into my first race in the summer of 1994 and was bitten by the bug! (More like chomped on!) So I found myself on a 29 foot Ranger racing out of City Island Yacht Club in New York. (I grew up in Northern New Jersey and only moved to Maryland last summer to go to grad school.) So, don't ever expect to see me on Wednesday nights in the summertime, as that is race night! We consider it a little vacation in the middle of the week. You leave the real world on the dock and just think about the wind, waves and making the boat go faster!
Well, enough about me. Would you like to Meet your other hosts? or perhaps go back to the game?
This page was last updated on 09 February 2001