Me at the beach during the Chesapeake Bay foundation excursion.
I went on an excursion to the Philip Merrill Environmental Center. A center run by the Chesapeake Bay foundaton. We learned about the bay, the problems its facing. We also learned some about the foundaton's goals and what it is doing and planning on doing to protect the bay. I gained a lot of knowledge about the bay and what we can do to reduce our impact on the Chesapeake bay.
In this picture, I am enjoying the beauty of the bay behind the Philip Merrill Environmental Center.

Sarah, a fellow SGC student, and I playing in the chairs of the FUTURES exhibit.
I went on an excursion to the Smithsonian FUTURES exhibit that recently opened. We learned about new technologies and inventions that are being created to avert future problems. There were many inventions to address issues like pollution, transportation, and medical assistance.
In this picture, Sarah, another SGC student, and I are playing in the circular, futuristic looking chairs at the FUTURES exhibit.

The fossil remains of the t-rex at the American National History Museum.
I went on an excursion to the American National History Museum. We learned about the evolution of dinosaurs and how these fossils came to be at the museum.