ENEE651/CMSC751: Parallel Algorithms

Spring 2018

This page will be updated frequently during the progress of the course. The updates will include links to corrections and some announcements.

Contact: Ananth Hari (ahari1@terpmail.umd.edu)


04/02/2018 Please validate your output for programming assignment 3 against the 'result.txt' in .../xmtdata/rooting/t* directories.
04/01/2018 TA office hours from April 03, 2018 will be held in AVW 1301, at the usual hours, every Wednesday from 11am-noon.
04/01/2018 Please refer to the following section on logging in to the Paraleap server from April 02, 2018. Off-campus accesses are affected.
03/08/2018 For programming assignment 2 and the subsequent assignments, you are expected to verify all the indices, and correct them if needed.
03/05/2018 There will be an extra TA office hour on 03/14/2018 between 6-7 PM at AVW 1145.
03/04/2018 TA office hours on 03/07/2018 will be held between 10:15-11:15 AM on the same day, at the same place (AVW 1143). Sorry for the inconvenience.
03/04/2018 HW2 document has been updated to include submitting an analysis.txt along with your source code.

Essential documents and links


Additional Helpful Documents

Additional information for the assignments

Logging in to Paraleap server from April 02, 2018